
New Day Herald

The Glory of The Heavens: Easter at the Beach 2014

What an exciting and most beautiful day as I set out for Prana to meet my daughter and her family in from Austin, Texas. We are traveling to the Easter Sunday celebration at Santa Monica Beach together. I am acknowledging Spirit for my graceful journey from home to Prana on the holiday schedule of public transportation and trusting God all the way. It was indeed a miracle.

We arrive at Santa Monica Beach, and John has just started speaking. The tone is being set for grace, and peace right here. As John speaks I am very aware of the celebration of peace, laughter, joy, and many conversations taking place in small and large groups alike as children play on the sand and in the ocean. Many hugs and kisses being exchanged in the spirit of the occasion as the Traveler sings the songs of peace and glory of the heavens right here where we are in this moment. It is very palpable. We are reminded of celebrating our Spirit through grace right here on Earth. It seems life I showing me that more and more all the time.

The energy of the resurrected Spirit is very present in the joy I am experiencing with myself, my family and the group as a whole. As John closes he speaks familiar words; “God Bless You, I love you, peace be still.” He then brings his beloved Leigh up to call us into a beautiful peace meditation. Following Leigh, the Easter Bunny arrives to the delight of all the children here bringing his joy, fun, laughter and sharing the gifts of Light as we all enjoy.

We hope our spiritual family around the globe enjoyed a beautiful Easter as we send our Love and Light.
God Bless each and every one of us.

Baruch Bashan

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