
New Day Herald

IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers | July 2

Last night at the IIWP seminar, I was reminded of the simple, yet profound impact that peace has in my life. I was reminded that I am responsible to uphold the peace, and to set my course as a personal commitment to peacefulness. So I am choosing now to not go into againstness, but if I do, to hold my mind on resolving it with peacefulness … because peace in this world, begins with me.

Elsie Storm



How Does Adopt-A-Horse Work?

The first step is to choose a horse that has a quality that you would like to express more of in your life. Look over the list of Windermere horses and the qualities they represent. When you have selected your quality and horse, choose an adoption level that works best for you. There are four levels of adoption:

Level One: Ā $10/month
Level Two: Ā $30/month
Level Three: Ā $50/month
Level Four: Ā $100/month or more

For a list of Windermere Horses and their qualities of peace – Click Here

How does my contribution to the Adopt-A-Horse program benefit Peace?

The Institute for Individual and World Peace is based on the precept that we as individuals create greater peace in the world as we create greater peace within ourselves. Peace begins with the individual. As we focus on the qualities of peace within ourselves, we naturally expand into expressing more of these qualities in our lives. This has a very real effect on our families; our families affect our communities; our communities affect our nations; and our nations affect the greater peace on our planet. How many individuals choosing to express greater peace in their everyday lives are needed to create peace on earth? The answer is unknown, but we do know that the more we as individuals make that choice, the closer we are to a peace-filled planet.

If you do choose Adopt-A-Horse as a way to express greater peace in your everyday life, there are some additional benefits of contributing to this Program:

  • You’ll receive E-mail updates with messages from the herd, pictures of the horses and news from Windermere.
  • You are automatically invited to the annual IIWP Gathering of Peacemakers Seminar, held during July each year in Los Angeles.
  • And last but not least, you will be contributing to the care, feeding and training of the Windermere horses, an integral part of the Place of Peace that we are creating at Windermere.
  • All of these benefits will be yours, regardless of the level of giving that you choose. How much of your financial resources, your attention and your focus do you want to commit toward greater peace?

Choose an adoption level and make your donation on-line through a secure server – Click Here

or send us an e-mail atĀ



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