
New Day Herald

Peace Awareness Trainings: A Glimpse of God

This year at the Peace Awareness trainings (PATs) at Lake Arrowhead, I realized that my life is a Peace Awareness training and I have so many opportunities here to sacrifice what is no longer serving me so I go free and enter the place God has prepared for me. I wake up every day more aware of what my heart knows.

Itā€™s one of those days where I want to go invisible, retreat to my inner universe. My eyes are empty but soft. I am solid inside, but tender. My heart is present and there is no place to hide here. I think this is because of my participation in the Peace Awareness Training 3, at Lake Arrowhead, where I often get a glimpse of God, a moment where I remember, God is expressing through me too.

These days, I am easily moved to tears of gratitude, sadness, or something in between. There is a longing for what I know as God, inside of me. I struggle to enjoy this vulnerability, this incredibly exquisite intimacy. I observe myself as I am sharing myself. I shift back and forth between resisting who I am and being utterly and unequivocally in love.

I live at Prana and am surrounded by beautiful people most of the time. And even though that is true, I sometimes want to be the only one on my planet somewhere where all I hear is silence.

It is dinner time and I am hungry, so I put the Light around me, put on my invisible cloak and sneak into the dining room, just before it is filled with people. I fix my plate and retreat to our lush Japanese gardens. I almost make it to solitary heaven when I see a friend coming up behind me. He is one of those friends I canā€™t hide from. He somehow sees what is inside of me, invisible cloak or not. I lower my eyes, but he is still there.

As I turn to open the door, to go inside of the dining room, I glance over my shoulder, our eyes meet and before I can shut down, I say everything I am experiencing and my eyes fill with tears. I am naked here in this place Iā€™ve designed. My inner universe has expanded to include everything, even what I may perceive as outside turns out to be inside too. I take a deep breath in and let him see me. I relax and see the amazing freedom bubbling as I am vulnerable and safe in Godā€™s heart.

I am grateful for this Travelerā€™s Mystery school and the Peace Awareness Trainings.


4 thoughts on “Peace Awareness Trainings: A Glimpse of God”

  1. Dearest Deborah:
    I recognize the place you speak of/from!…and you described it magically! It is difficult to express and different levels of being continue to come forward! A great neutral place of loving that does indeed take everything in as a oneness…thanks for sharing beloved and we shall continue in spirit as One w/great loving and joy! Millicent

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