
New Day Herald

A Worldwide MSIA Home Seminar with John Morton

What a precious way to participate in an MSIA Home Seminar — Live and Online with our Traveler John Morton and MSIA Ambassador Leigh Taylor-Young Morton serving as our Seminar Co-Leaders, and with Johnā€™s precious son, Zane, in wonderful support! While Home Seminars are often held in someoneā€™s home with an intimate gathering of participants, this eveningā€™s Home Seminar reached across the planet, touching and uniting hundreds of loving hearts. It was the largest Home Seminar Iā€™ve ever attended — and I participated from my own home. It was also the perfect way to help celebrate John Mortonā€™s birthday!

Our worldwide Home Seminar began with Leigh calling us forward into the Light, which is the way we start all Home Seminars. Leigh shared how in the 1970s she hosted weekly Home Seminars in her home in California. For over ten years, around one hundred participants attended each time, bringing friends and family to enjoy the loving and learning. People shared their contributions, listened to a John-Roger taped seminar, and enjoyed a scrumptious feast Leigh provided to all. In keeping with this generous and delicious tradition, treats were provided for everyone who attended the Home Seminar live in Santa Monica.

MSIA Home Seminars are a foundational way of experiencing and sharing the teachings of the Traveler. Around the world, Seminar Leaders volunteer to host seminars in their homes, welcoming long-time MSIA students as well as newcomers interested in checking out the teachings. Seminars provide us a chance to share our concerns, place people and situations in the Light for the highest good, and listen to one of the thousands of profoundly moving seminars from John-Roger. In my experience with whatever seminar is presented, something shared by John-Roger always relates directly to healing a personal concern or answering a burning question of mine. This night was no different. I felt so blessed and full of gratitude as I listened to John-Roger share in a seminar from many years ago in ways that touched my heart in divine perfection right now.

Usually in Home Seminars, everyone attending gets a chance to make a contribution, place their concerns in the Light, and/or share their gratitude for something that happened in their lives. With the huge number of folks attending live along with all of us online, I was delighted when John made it easy for everyone to contribute. Through Johnā€™s sincere and sweet invitation, I felt welcomed, included and an important part of the Seminar. I knew in my heart that my presence mattered, and my loving energy was shared in the grand worldwide loving that came forth.

I appreciated how John reminded us that we are always Home with the Traveler within. Wherever we are, wherever our travels happen to take us, we can experience that inner Home Seminar by tuning inside to that place where we are one with God. An MSIA Home Seminar helps us share in our commonalities and learn together. We remember and embrace how we all are walking in this world in Oneness with God. In a Home Seminar, I find it is the loving and learning together, the comfort of knowing we are all Godā€™s beloveds, that brings forward our compassion and joy. In this worldwide Home Seminar, with our Traveler as our Seminar Leader, the joy flowed abundantly.

May we share in many more blessings of MSIA Home Seminars, in our own homes and as we touch each otherā€™s hearts around the world.

Baruch Bashan

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