
New Day Herald

Johnny Apple Seeds of Love, Light and Sound

During our All Organizational Representatives meeting at the Conference of the Sound Current this year, we delved into the heart of Listening… 

  • Listening to the Sound Current
  • Listening to ourselves
  • Listening to our heartbeat
  • Listening to our community
  • Listening to our universe
  • Listening to the Traveler within us
  • Listening to God as our partner
  • Activating the Johnny Appleseed consciousness in each one of us.

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During our time together, we explored ways we might be the Johnny Appleseeds of the New Age; ways we may use Service as a Spiritual Exercise and ways to contribute our natural abilities, talents and gifts to prepare a space for those looking for the Travelers Teachings.

We looked at who we are as a church and what our business is –  which J-R has told us many times – Soul Transcendence.

During the Prez update, Vincent addressed some of the concerns the communities shared about us getting older and MSIA having a succession plan. He shared about us being a Theocratic church and how we take our direction from God.  And since God is inside – we go inside to listen to what God has for us to share.  It was great to be reminded that we are each responsible for sharing the Travelers teachings to those looking for them.

Some time ago the Prez had a conversation with J-R regarding the marketing plan for expanding MSIA. J-R gave them the best plan I’ve ever heard, which included the exampleship of Johnny Appleseed.

In the SAT CD called The Master is the Servant”, here’s what J-R  (click here to learn more about the seminar)

says during a Q&A:

Q:   OK, my question is how can we as members of the Movement support it to it to help it grow and do what it has to do? 

J-R:   Each person must decide within themselves the uniqueness of their own spiritual expression.  Some people look at themselves in the mirror and say ‘I don’t have anything to give.’  And little ol’ Mrs.  Jones next door could use her lawn raked up. 

Or maybe there’s a family down the street that could use some pants and you’ve got thirteen pairs that you never use in your closet.  Maybe if you don’t know those people they could be cleaned out and given to Salvation Army.  A lot of these places, a lot of religious organizations, will gather them up and take to Indians and to their own members.  And this becomes then part of the inner ministry coming forward. 

People often say “J-R what can I do for you?”  The answer is grow your consciousness into God, awaken your Christ within, know the Christ in the outer.  Get these blended so you become the cosmic man, multidimensional and universal, and reach out and give this to others and awaken so we all become way showers and we become Johnny Appleseeds of Light and Love.  You see, we can make the new heaven and the new earth right here.

During an exercise at the Rep.’s meeting, we asked participants to tell us how they shared the Traveler’s Teachings in their communities; and what they saw as next steps in making the Teachings available.

We asked each group to write down their findings on an index card.  The running themes were:  Listening & Connecting to the MSIA community; Sharing the Traveler’s Teachings and ways to be a spiritual scientist so we listen inside, but we check out what we hear, so we’re always attuning to the highest good of all concerned.

How to be Johnny Appleseed

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  • Listen & Connect to representatives and volunteers in your community

 We are conductors of divine energy.  If we touch into the intention we have to listen to ourselves and each other, to do God’s work in this world; our universe meets us at the point of our action.

We get the opportunity to be like Johnny Appleseed and spread the good news and prepare the space for those who are coming. We may not see the harvest in our life time and yet the seeds are still valuable to plant and water on a regular basis.

Some Good ideas and first steps that came from Rep.’s sharing:

  1. Get to know the Representatives in your area (link to Representatives contact info.)
  2. Create ways for Representatives and volunteers to connect on a regular basis
  3. Share what is working in your community with other Rep.’s and volunteers
  4. Create fun ways to bring people together in-person
  5. Create simple ways to make the Teachings available – like Soul Awareness Seminars
  6. Get familiar with our new MSIA website so people can find out more about us

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  • Listen & Explore ways to share the Travelers Teachings for those looking
Outer Ways to Share:
  • Share the NEW Expanded Soul Awareness Seminars!

It’s simple to create a Soul Awareness Seminar:

  1. Create a theme for your seminar
  2. Invite your friends, family or a complete stranger
  3. Start the event by calling in the Light
  4. Share contributions
  5. Play a J-R/John Excerpt/Meditation/or Seminar
  6. Close with a blessings
  • Offer a PTS Class
  • Host a Ministers Meeting
  • Participate in Online gatherings
  • Create a FUN get together
  • Serve with HeartReach
  • Create your own unique way to serve

Inner Ways to share:

  • Ask: How do I take what I hear, check it out through my choices and actions, and share it with others?
  • Take the time to listen with an open heart
  • Create a lifestyle of serving and giving
  • Share ideas that grow you and others in Spirit
  • Send the Light ahead of you
  • Ask for the Highest Good of all concerned
  • Look for the good in all people and things, including yourself
  • Do your Spiritual Exercises
  • Plant Light Columns

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  • Be a Spiritual Scientist & listen to your inner & outer universe
  • Ask: How can I listen inside to Spirit’s direction?
  • Set a clear intention to hear what Spirit has for you to share
  • Stay tuned into and connect to Spirit
  • Stay open to your inner and outer universe
  • Have fun!
  • Allow the Spirit to use you at any given time
  • Be a spiritual scientist and check out what works or doesn’t work
  • Track your intentions and be aware of how they manifest in your life
  • Ask: What clue did I receive today from my universe?


  1. Debbie Roth – Soul Awareness Seminars
  2. Angel Harper – MSIA Events
  3. Sherie Wylie – PTS Events
  4. Skyler Patton – HeartReach

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