
New Day Herald

100% Living and Working with John-Roger | An Interview with Joey Hubbard


Joey Hubbard has dedicated the last 25 years to facilitating motivational, life and work seminars, as well as strategic planning and productivity to thousands of people and firms all over the world. Raised on the inner city streets of Los Angeles, Joey rose above the pervasive challenges to attend both UCLA and UCSD, and then began his career as a motivational speaker and performance enhancement coach. In addition to serving as volunteer CEO of Insight, he also serves on the Board of Directors and facilitates Insight Seminars throughout the world.

Joey Hubbard approaches this interview the way that he approaches his life, with humor, honesty, and integrity. Be inspired as Joey shares about meeting John-Roger at thirteen, a doomed ham sandwich, becoming an Insight Facilitator, and more.

This interview was first published in the New Day Herald in September of 2016.

NDH: What is it like working with J-R?

Joey: Whatā€™s funny is that I never considered it work. Itā€™s interesting because there were times when youā€™d go four or five days in a row with very little to no sleep, whether it was with NOW Productions or something going on at J-Rā€™s home. Whatever it was, I never once thought, ā€œOh, Iā€™m tired. Oh, Iā€™m working hard. Ohā€¦ā€ There was just this incredible energy with him. It was like he was this boat that was making its way through the waves and we were riding the slipstream behind him, following in his wake energetically. You didnā€™t get tired. Thereā€™s also the other element of doing something that you love. I experience that now with Insight. In the early days of Insight, when you were assisting you were there till as late as it took. People were having phenomenal experiences when the Spirit would come in, and it didnā€™t matter. It wasnā€™t work. So the way I would phrase it, instead of ā€œwork,ā€ would be, ā€œbeing lucky enough to be around J-R.ā€ Thatā€™s the experience I would have. There are so many things that Iā€™ve learned from him about that sustainable energy. There were a couple of times when I was at his home in Mandeville with him and it was late and I said, ā€œHey, J-R, Iā€™m just going to crash here.ā€ One time he said, ā€œJust sleep in my bed.ā€ I said, ā€œI canā€™t take your bed.ā€ He said, ā€œNo, Iā€™m not going to sleep tonight.ā€ ā€œWhat do you mean youā€™re not going to sleep?ā€ He said, ā€œIā€™m on duty. Iā€™m responsible for the universe tonight. Iā€™m on watch.ā€

Obviously, at 19 years old I didnā€™t fully comprehend what it meant. But I knew that I couldnā€™t imagine myself, as tired as I was at that moment, saying Iā€™m going to go another 12 hours or more without sleep, to be on watch, on duty. I didnā€™t understand that. I didnā€™t have that kind of capacity. It would put me in awe. And it was both good news and bad news for me because at some point I was comparing myself with J-R, thinking, ā€œIā€™m never going to be as good as J-R.ā€ But it was also aspirational. I wanted to be like this man. In my wildest dreams that was what I wanted.

NDH: What were some of the main things you learned from him?

Joey: I think in terms of what had the greatest impact on me. When I was 19, we were doing an Insight 1, one of those big ones with 350 people or so. The training was over and we were all standing in a circle. I got this huge sharp pain in my stomach and it literally took me from standing to being on the floor. J-R came right over. He started checking it and he said Iā€™d created tumor there. I went to visit him soon after that for an aura balance and, to make a long story short, all that went away through some stuff that he did. I asked, ā€œHow did I create this?ā€ He said, ā€œYouā€™ve been so self-judgmental because youā€™ve been comparing yourself to me or to other guys on my staff that you thought you ā€˜should be like.ā€™ā€ At 19 years old, I was a kid. But I still wanted that. And every time I didnā€™t do something perfectly, Iā€™d beat myself up so much that my body said, ā€œOkay, if you feel that unworthy, we can leave.ā€

At that moment I shifted dramatically and Iā€™ve been extremely accepting and easygoing with myself and others, knowing that itā€™ll all be just fine. Everybody who spends time with me in my life knows that my attitude is, ā€œyou do what you do.ā€ Youā€™re not going to get judged by me. I have to watch, making sure I donā€™t do that to myself. But Iā€™ve gone almost to the opposite end where I just goā€¦ ā€œokay, yeah, I screwed up, next.ā€ I probably could take more time to figure out how to not screw up again, but I move so fast off of it. That was really a gift from J-Rā€”the attitude that everybody is doing their best, thereā€™s no value in judgment, the power of forgiveness, acceptance (which is the first law of spirit). Iā€™d say that would be at the top of the list of what Iā€™ve learned. There are other things that I work towards like unconditional loving. J-R could hold in a way that communicated, ā€œno, thatā€™s not okayā€ and you got his love. I think many of us have experienced him putting his foot up our butt and saying, ā€œYouā€™re off course, dude,ā€ and still feeling that it was an extremely loving communication. That to me is also something Iā€™ve learned in terms of working with Insight: sharing with people my perception of the truth so I donā€™t sugarcoat it. But they still get that I love themā€”and I learned that from J-R.

NDH: Did you see him change over the years?

Joey: J-R would change every five minutes. [Laughter.] You could be sitting with J-R and heā€™d be one way, and someone else would come over and heā€™d completely flip because there was a different lesson for that person to learn. Youā€™d be in that scenario where somebody was really getting it, and youā€™d quietly lean back in your chair and be glad you werenā€™t in the crossfire. The thing I enjoyed was the many complexities of that consciousness. Sometimes it was J-R the guy and sometimes it was the Traveler that was showing up there. I loved all of it. It was a great reference point for me also because I think at some point in my life I saw that thing called the Traveler as if itā€™s supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to do everything perfectly and accurately, to know everything. But J-R was just human. A human who was bringing that consciousness forward. It was also great for me to see when J-R made a mistake or didnā€™t know something. It grounded me in the awareness that weā€™re here on the planet and thatā€™s just how life is.

I think that over time as he aged, he obviously changed in terms of his outward appearance. I actually saw him not long before he passed. He was in a hotel room. I wanted to check something with him and Jsu (his personal assistant) said, ā€œCome on up.ā€ He was just in the room with a nurse and he was sitting back with his eyes closed. But when he would open his eyes he was right there and weā€™d connect. I think in many respects I feel even closer to him now than I did over the last few years. I feel his presence very clearly directing Insight. Insight is growing and expanding. I see that happening mainly because I think his energy is back in it, and from where he is, itā€™s probably easier to do that.

Iā€™m here at Insight because of J-R. When I did my Insight 2 it was on a payment plan and I missed a payment. I thought, ā€œIā€™m going to get paid in two weeks. Iā€™ll do it then.ā€ I was at the Insight building and J-R came out of his office. He called me over and he said, ā€œYou missed your payment.ā€ I said, ā€œYes. Iā€™m going to do it in two weeks.ā€ He said, ā€œOkay. Youā€™re banned from the building and any of the trainings you were going to be in until you make that payment.ā€ Now, my whole life was going over to Insight. So I was going to miss a couple of trainings, and I couldnā€™t even come over to the building.

We had made an agreement, but the way I approached it, if you couldnā€™t keep it, you didnā€™t renegotiate it, you just assumed it was going to be okay until the next thing came along. And hereā€™s J-R saying itā€™s not okay. He was like my dad. There was nobody in my life who was doing that. That was a wonderful lesson. Obviously I was devastated, but I donā€™t know if there couldā€™ve been any better scenario for me at the time. I remember asking my boss, ā€œHey, can I work more hours?ā€ It was like, no, everything was full. It was painful to not be around Insight. When I came in and made the payment and was getting ready to walk back down the stairs, he came back out of his office and he said, ā€œCome here.ā€ We went back up in his office and he said, ā€œYou have a responsibility to Insight. Every time you walk in this building, bring the Light. Every time you engage with the trainings, you bring the Light. You hold a certain consciousness here that is responsible for what you do in this building.ā€

I didnā€™t see what all that meant then, other than that at every training I was holding the light as best I could. But later I realized that was probably more about this time now, as a fulfillment of my ministry of keeping this work going as best I can. And not just keeping it alive, but moving from surviving to thriving, and then taking it into a really expansive state. There are very few things out there as powerful as the work of Insight, especially in the places in the world where they donā€™t have anywhere near the access to all the stuff we have here. Itā€™s important that people really learn the true value of connecting to themselves, and what loving themselves means. Thatā€™s what this work is all about.

NDH: So J-R was kind of like a dad for you.

Joey: Yeah, for my brothers David, Michael, and me. David and I, we both were wanting to be on J-Rā€™s staff. David told me that J-R told him his karma wasnā€™t to be on his personal staff, but mine was. And J-R told me that my karma wasnā€™t to be on his personal staff. [Laughter] I think it was like we had other stuff to do. In many respects, my dad was a great guy, but he was gone from the time I was 5 until 22. We werenā€™t bad kids or any of that. Mom did a very good job as a parent. We all woke up every day wanting to do good and do our best. But thereā€™s a certain level of a discipline, of what it means to be a man, in terms of maturity and responsibility, and just being able to have somebody who says, ā€œThatā€™s off course. Thereā€™s consequences.ā€

My mom, when she would say, ā€œHey, thatā€™s off course,ā€ weā€™d feel bad. But there was never the kind of consequence that seemed to hurt to the core, or something on that level. When you really want something, like you want to be around J-R or Insight and heā€™d say you canā€™t because you did this or that, it gives you a certain awareness, that this action causes this consequence. So being around J-R was a quick maturing process. It was constant. I mean it wasnā€™t like you learned and then you stopped learning with J-R. Being on his staff or being around his staff was constant vigilance. Youā€™d have to keep your Light going, youā€™d have to do your S.E.ā€™s, youā€™d have to be responsible. If you started bullshitting a little bit, J-R picked it up. He sniffed it out very fast.

Often when people would leave staff, I would see it coming. I saw it a long time before it happened. You could just see it. I was a silent observer. But it was clear.

NDH: You were really young when you started.

Joey: I met J-R at 13. What was funny about that is, my mom came home one night and said, ā€œHey, I met this guy,ā€ and when I was seven, we used to pick up the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when he would fly into L.A., when Transcendental Meditation was hot in L.A. We had big afros, and weā€™d have flowers in our hair, and weā€™d give them to him. At seven years old, I was the youngest person heā€™d ever initiated.

So I knew Mom would be looking for those kinds of guys. I wasnā€™t skeptical, it was just, ā€œOkay, hereā€™s another guy.ā€ But then I immediately started dreaming at night of flying with a guy. I didnā€™t know who it was at that time, but Iā€™d be flying around like superman, flying around next to him and he was showing me things. I had several dreams like that. I didnā€™t make anything of it and then she said, ā€œI want to take you to this place called Prana and introduce you to J-R.ā€

When we walked in to Prana, he came out of a room where he used to do his Light studies, and I looked at this guy and thought, ā€œThatā€™s the guy Iā€™ve been flying around with.ā€ He comes right over to us and hugs us and looks in our eyes and he says, ā€œYeah, you guys are welcome.ā€ It was like he knew us, we knew him, and thatā€™s the start of the love affair where mom was taking us up to his house and all of that. From that point on, there was never a moment of hesitation.

NDH: That wouldā€™ve been what year?

Joey: 1974.

NDH: So you were around for a while before Insight.

Joey: Yeah. When Insight came, everybody was all excited that they were going to do this training. My brother David and I were going up to J-Rā€™s house a lot. David and I asked if we could go and he said, ā€œNo, not yet.ā€ I think he wanted to see what the training was going to be like. Then after the training, he asked again. J-R said, ā€œYou guys could take the next one.ā€ We were in the second one. It was great. After that training is when we said, ā€œWe want all of our friends to take it.ā€ When I talked to Russell Bishop (Insightā€™s co-creator, along with J-R) about it, he said, ā€œWell, if you get 60 teens, weā€™ll do a teen training.ā€ David and I went out and about a month later, we had 60. Russell was like, ā€œOh man, I didnā€™t expect you guys to do it.ā€ [Laughter]

That was when J-R said, ā€œYou guys are going to have to learn how to do this because weā€™re going to start doing this work with teenagers. We want younger people to facilitate.ā€ That kind of started Dave and I on that track of facilitation back then.

NDH: You were facilitating Teen Insight and you were still a teenager?

Joey: Yeah. Dave and I were, yeah.

NDH: What was that like?

Joey: It was interesting. I was facilitating but then Iā€™d get pulled into teenage stuff, like, ā€œWhat are the assistants doing or what are the participants doingā€¦theyā€™re all going out tonightā€¦okay, letā€™s go out!ā€ And it was like, ā€œNo, no, youā€™re the facilitator; you canā€™t go out with the participants.ā€ That was kind of funny. But we had a group of us who got really involved. We were all teenagers.

NDH: Kids of MSIA people?

Joey: Yeah, we were all kids of MSIA people. For a long time, the way we connected before Insight was that J-R would let us use the downstairs at his house to do teen MSIA seminars, which were Pauli Sanderson and Rick Edelstein taking us through a discourse or a meditation, or conversations about life. We would do it there, or weā€™d do it at Leigh Taylor-Youngā€™s house, or Rickā€™s house. Thatā€™s how we were all connected. It created this bond, a spiritual bond. Then when Insight came, it gave us a vehicle to take our group and create something.

NDH: And youā€™ve been facilitating ever since.

Joey: Yeah.

NDH: You moved to adult trainings later on?

Joey: Yes, I think I was maybe 21. They needed a trainer in Chicago for an adult Insight, and nobody else was available. They said, ā€œWould you go do it?ā€ I said, ā€œSure.ā€ I get there and Iā€™m 21 years old and people are at least twice my age in the training. It was awkward at the beginning. I was really nervous. But by the time we got into it, it became the same as any other. J-R said, ā€œGo for it. You can do it.ā€

NDH: How do you stay tuned into Spirit when youā€™re facilitating?

Joey: Morning, noon and night, I ask for J-R and Spirit to be with me, and for me to get out of the way. One of the biggest things J-R had taught us around Insight over the years, was that ego is not doing it, the Spirit does. You can put a candle on the stage and people would have the same experience. So you donā€™t get caught up in the illusion that youā€™re doing it. Thatā€™s been huge to me because there is stuff that I say or that happens in that room that I donā€™t know mentally. I donā€™t know how I knew that. It wasnā€™t conscious. The more I do this work, the more I realize I just keep getting out of the way. I can feel it if I get in the way. Itā€™s almost likeā€¦youā€™re interrupting the flow here. Get out of the way; youā€™re a boulder in the dam. The ego will do that every once in a while.

So I think itā€™s just continually asking for Spirit, continuing to ask for J-R and the Light. I donā€™t pretend that I know anything because I donā€™tā€¦ especially whatā€™s true for anybody in the room. The other thing that I learned from J-R that is just part of my process is humor. When I do that work, I like to do it with humor. I donā€™t enjoy things that donā€™t have some lightness, some levity and joy in them.

NDH: Do you experience a difference between the work of MSIA and the work of Insight?

Joey: The work that MSIA does isnā€™t about the ā€œ10% level,ā€ which is how J-R describes the physical level and its order of importance in the whole scheme of things. Science has discovered the impact of meditating, and it definitely impacts your well-being on a physical level. So yeah, it does impact the 10%. But itā€™s not about the same kinds of things Insight is about, which more like, ā€œThat behavior you have doesnā€™t work. What are you going to do about shifting that behavior?ā€ You could come to the same realization through a spiritual focus very easily, but thatā€™s done more passively. In Insight weā€™ll tell you. If you ask, ā€œWhy isnā€™t this working?ā€ MSIA is going to say, ā€œWe love you. Here are some tools, figure it out for yourself.ā€

NDH: It seems like in those early trainings there were a lot more phenomena in them, and people having very intense spiritual experiences, not just 10%-level insights.

Joey: Yeah. Well, J-R was there. And it was a base of people that were very open to that. If you go to the lowest common denominator in that room, they were wide open, like, ā€œSpirit, take me.ā€ I think they gave the Spirit permission to come in and rock the house. In Insight these days, since you canā€™t inflict on any consciousness there, it doesnā€™t always happen like that. There are still moments when some pretty amazing stuff happens. Itā€™s because of the collective consciousness thatā€™s in the room. Some people donā€™t believe in God or Spirit or any of that. They just want to experience heart stuff, and thatā€™s all fine. We have room for all of that. People were moving their consciousness in huge leaps in five daysā€” and still do, by the way. Thereā€™s no place on the planet where that happens. When you see people on day one of the Insight 2 and you look at where they are at day five, I doubt that youā€™d find anywhere else where that happens. Itā€™s happening in Insight 2ā€™s and thatā€™s where a huge shift takes place. Miracles happen.

NDH: Have things been different for you since J-R died?

Joey: I donā€™t think so other than I miss him. There was always a part of me that wondered what was J-R doing, or I want to catch up with J-R. I had moments that were on my calendar when I knew I would see him. Whatā€™s different is that I donā€™t have that part running. There wouldnā€™t be a lot of conversation or anything, but it was just being in the space with him. I think in some respects I miss that. But itā€™s like missing someone you love. On the other side, he is always forcing us to work on the inner relationship. I worked on it. So I feel like in some respects Iā€™ve got him in here in a really big way, and I feel thatā€™s even bigger since heā€™s gone. Thereā€™s more of him. The energy is bigger.

NDH: Iā€™ve found that inside itā€™s great, but being in the world thereā€™s more negativity. Itā€™s harder to stay clear sometimes.

Joey: I definitely wonder sometimes. You see this in whatā€™s occurring with world events. I remember when I was in Vegas, and J-R was visiting during one of the presidential elections. Some of us were talking about it with some upset, and J-R said, ā€œThe Spirit has this. This country was founded with Spirit. The Spirit is very active in whatā€™s happening here. Donā€™t you guys worry about it.ā€ The attitude was something like, ā€œItā€™s bigger than us.ā€ I remember stepping back and thinking, ā€œYeah.ā€ Sometimes now when I see things that are going on in the world, I wonder if thereā€™s a reason for it. But Iā€™m going to trust that there is. Whatever that is, itā€™s stirring things up and we have to be vigilant. The negativity is going to do what it wants to do. It doesnā€™t care about anything else. But Iā€™m trusting that the Spirit has it.

NDH: Have there been any changes in Insight since J-Rā€™s passing?

Joey: Oh yeah. When J-R died we were right in that space of figuring out what we were going to do. He died in October of 2014 and in February, 2015 we did our first Founders Insight 1 which was in honor of J-R. We used video clips and we only charged $50. The whole purpose was to honor J-R. We had 350 people sign up for that training in about ten days. We had to do a second one because we had so many wanting to take it. I said, ā€œLetā€™s just do another one,ā€ and we had another 250 for that one. It flooded our system so much that we had to add more Insight 2 and Insight 3 seminars. We ended up tripling the number of seminars that we did in L.A. compared to the year before. And that growth arc has continued.

J-Rā€™s energy came in, in a big way. And Insight has grown pretty significantly and will continue to grow. Weā€™re on the right trajectory. I even had a meeting yesterday with someone who asked, ā€œHow do I fund Insight?ā€ He said, ā€œIā€™ve done everything, Iā€™ve been a professor, a doctor, Iā€™ve served on boards for 40 years. And this is the best work Iā€™ve seen. Why is it not everywhere?ā€ I said, ā€œHelp me figure that out.ā€ He said, ā€œI will.ā€ Those kinds of things are showing up now.

NDH: Whatā€™s on the horizon for Insight now? Any plans you can share with us?

Joey: My goal with Insight is to do things like a subscription site. So everybody who takes a training will get access to some of the content of the training. I want to grow our ability to reach out. Iā€™m talking to some people about how to do a better job from the marketing perspective. The MSIA Presidency has been very, very supportive. From a profit perspective, weā€™re making money and paying off debt. We only have one debt thatā€™s still there. Itā€™s not about if Insight is doing well or not doing well. Weā€™re running a very solid, successful organization. All our trainings run at a profit. Weā€™re going to stay small in terms of staff. Rachael Jayne does an amazing job of keeping Insight operations and the small staff on track. I donā€™t see us taking on a heavy staff load. I like the volunteer energy, and Iā€™ll never take a salary for doing this job from Insight.

To me, if we do this right we could be in another ten U.S. cities in five years. Weā€™re looking at doing trainings in Switzerland and Romania. It will grow through Europe and weā€™ll re-energize Australia, and weā€™ll put some money into helping those countries in South America where they have challenges. They want to do the work. They had 100 trainings last year. But sometimes there are 25 people in the room. Theyā€™re not making a lot of profit. Itā€™s tough with the economies of Venezuela and Brazil. But those will flip around. I just want to touch many, many more hearts.

NDH: How do you market something like Insight? Is that possible?

Joey: The question really hasnā€™t been answered. Even when you look at similar workshops, they do heavy recruitment through word of mouth. Itā€™s about me getting you to feel obligated to go bring two or three of your friends. Insight is never going to take that approach. Weā€™ve got to find other ways. I had a funny idea in one of the Insight trainings, I said, ā€œLetā€™s have, a dating service like,ā€ where people of consciousness could find people like themselves. There are some sites like that. But we may need to create some businesses around it so that through business references people come to Insight. How we market Insight is something Iā€™m looking at very closely.

NDH: Have you that found the types of people who are attracted to Insight changes over the years? Is there any way to predict whoā€™s going to like it, and whoā€™s not? Is there Insight ā€œtypeā€ that has changed over the years?

Joey: Whatā€™s funny is Insight is one of those things where very few people donā€™t like it. Usually, there are two kinds of people who donā€™t like it. One is theyā€™re not ready for it. Theyā€™d prefer not to look at some of the stuff that shows up in the room. They were comfortable being uncomfortable in the other space and now we asked them to start looking at, for example, whether their relationship is working well. Itā€™s like, no, I donā€™t want to do that. Theyā€™ll leave. The second person is the person who thinks everything is perfect and that theyā€™ve done it all. Early on in a training theyā€™ll get a little niggle on that. Maybe itā€™s not as perfect as they think, and theyā€™ll come up to me and say, ā€œIā€™ve done all this before. Iā€™ve got a lot going on. Iā€™m going to leave. I donā€™t see anything new for me here.ā€ That person is actually more challenged than the first one because theyā€™re avoiding it, but they think that theyā€™re not avoiding it.

But beyond that, we have a lot of people from USM recently, that love USM and had a great experience there, and they get something different from Insight. We also have a lot of Insight grads go on to USM or MSIA, and they get value from it all.

NDH: Has the content of the Insight seminars changed over the years, or is it pretty much what J-R created?

Joey: Pretty much what J-R created with Russell. Iā€™m not willing to take away the J-R stuff. People who did the training yesterday tell me that itā€™s the best thing theyā€™ve ever seen. People who did it almost 40 years ago say itā€™s the best thing theyā€™ve ever seen. Why mess with it? People say, ā€œHow do we tweak this or that?ā€ Iā€™m always open to little tweaks that are more functional. Weā€™ve progressed a little since the 1978 days in terms of some of the logistics. But as far as the content, itā€™s the same work.

NDH: Do you think people are coming in on a different level?

Joey: Oh yeah. In 1978 when we talked about win-win (where both sides of an issue can win without a fight), people would say, ā€œWhat are you talking about? Thatā€™s impossible. Now, everybody is thinking about win-win right away. They may not get it right away, in its totality, but itā€™s so much more part of the conversations theyā€™re having.

NDH: Do you have a favorite J-R story?

Joey: There are lots of them. My favorite J-R story is hard to talk about. But itā€™s when he initiated meā€”because I didnā€™t know anything about what the initiation was. I kind of screwed up because J-R said, ā€œRead your discourses.ā€ In 1976 I knew my sixteenth birthday was coming and I hadnā€™t read them. I was taking the bus back and forth every day for work. I took a discourse every day, and read it going up and back. I read 24 discourses over the summer. I called J-R and I said, ā€œJ-R, I can get initiated.ā€ He said, ā€œYou read all your discourses in a couple of weeks.ā€ I said, ā€œYeah.ā€ He said, ā€œThe reason why I said to read them over the two years is because Iā€™ve been dealing with the karma of your reading the discourses every day for the last two weeks.ā€ I was like, ā€œWhat?ā€ I didnā€™t know. Thatā€™s when they put the rule out that you can only read one discourse a month.

I just wanted to get to my initiation. But then when he initiated me, he told me all this stuff about my lifetimes with himā€¦ that was a very cool and special moment in terms of just that time with him.

My funny J-R story is: I was working up at J-Rā€™s house in Mandeville. They had a flood up there and we were up all night cleaning the mud, and he asked me if I wanted to come and help. I brought my lunch and I put it in the refrigerator. Twenty minutes later, he says, ā€œWhoā€™s got pork at the house?ā€ I said, ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€ He was walking around saying, ā€œDoes somebody have pork? Thereā€™s pork here in the house somewhere.ā€ And heā€™s tracking. ā€œItā€™s in the refrigerator. Who has pork in the refrigerator?ā€ I said, ā€œI just have a ham sandwich.ā€ He said, ā€œJoey, a ham sandwich is pork.ā€ I said, ā€œOh, is it? I didnā€™t know.ā€ [Laughter] He throws it in the trash can and says, ā€œDonā€™t ever bring hamā€¦ā€ He picked up on the energy of it back in his bedroom.

NDH: What would you like Insight to be? Whatā€™s your long-range vision for it?

Joey: Global service organization thatā€™s providing the trainings in all the major countries. I think Iā€™d like to be a little more expansive. Iā€™d love for us to fund trainings. For instance, right now, in Venezuela, to take a training is a yearā€™s salary. Iā€™d love to give a free training, pay for the room, charge them $5 (which still gets their attention but everybody can do it) and put 300 people in the room. I love to do ten of those every year somewhere in the world where everybody wants to be there and we send those 300 people out and they go get another 600 people.

I think thatā€™s the way that really grows Insight, but we need the funding to do that. Thatā€™s significant. We need the people who say Iā€™m going to put myself on the line to make it happen. We have a lot of those people already but we just need to keep identifying them. Iā€™d love Insight to be doing trainings in Africa or Indiaā€”places that just donā€™t get access to resources like this. I would love to have the ability to pick a location, support somebody in making the training happen where money wasnā€™t the issue, and then put in place a structure to make sure that itā€™s foundational.

In Bulgaria itā€™s like it was in the U.S. in 1980, when Insight was growing exponentially. You canā€™t get enough of it. Seventy-five people taking the Insight 4. I see where thereā€™s still such a need and I see the value that it has. I think the biggest thing for me with Insight is to find ways to attract millennials, and people that have consciousness and see something of value in what we offer. I think we have to build an online presence that allows us to capture some of that, and we have to keep finding new places. The way Bulgaria is respondingā€¦why not Estonia, why not Serbia?

I want to start looking at where thereā€™s a real calling and expand into some of those areas. Iā€™m training new people. I started facilitating almost 40 years ago and I was a baby at that time, and there are not very many people who have come in at a younger age than I was since then. We need to get a new young crew of facilitators. I think that will also bring a new younger energy into the room. Weā€™ve opened up the facilitator candidacy program, weā€™re pulling from people of all ages. They donā€™t have to be young. But we want new energy, new blood in the facilitator crew.

J-R did such a wonderful job of training us that I realize weā€™d better pass this on. If we donā€™t pass it on, it goes away. We developed this course called the Masters Class where weā€™ve taken all of J-Rā€™s wisdom and teachings in the Insight world and put them into a class around achieving mastery. Weā€™ve now got a new high-end product thatā€™s attracting a lot of people who have been around for a long time and done a lot of work and theyā€™re finding it valuable.

NDH: Can you tell me more about the Masters Class and how it works?

Joey:Ā We do three trainings that are four days eachā€” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sundayā€”for three consecutive months. So for three months youā€™re in the course, and you look for either an internal or external goal that you want achieve. We go into some very deep work that I started with J-R years ago around what I call paradigms. Whatā€™s the deep inner belief that is taking you away from being on course with your path, with your direction, with what you want for yourself? Everybodyā€™s got them. Sometimes theyā€™re strong enough to really divert us, and sometimes they arenā€™t. They just pull us, but weā€™re still steering our own ship. We go very deep into what that is, both the limiting version and the opposite, the positive version.

We start supporting people through creating what we call a field of loving in the room and then some ā€œmastermind groupsā€ to support you outside of the room. For the course of that training, you are working towards mastery in your lifeā€”inner mastery, external mastery. And we bring in the latest science. Thereā€™s so much science now that proves what J-R was saying years ago about the power of the heart and how our thoughts impact our brain.

Mary Ann Somerville worked hard on the design. As we would talk it through it became clear it was coming from spirit, and in my experience J-R. We do a lot of deep work with individuals. We keep the training small (40 is the maximum) helping them get to that place where they can create what they want from a place of mastery. Itā€™s based on that old principle of the masterā€™s class in the arts, where youā€™re a great artist, but you would go to a class of other great artists and maybe learn one technique or one small thing that moves the dial for you. People taking this training have done quite a bit in their lives and are very successful. But thereā€™s one small thing, maybe itā€™s an inner thing or external thing that they wantā€¦ that pushes them over to that 110% thing. Thatā€™s what the Master Class is about.

Then weā€™re reaching out to younger spaces, foster care kids and underserved kids. Weā€™re branching out into new and different ways to touch into specific targeted groups.

I think we have to keep pushing through the old norms. I shared with our board recently that we need to get new people on the board and we need to start fundraising as a board. Iā€™m meeting a lot of people who are telling me weā€™ve got to be in that game. If we really want to be a powerful organization these days, thatā€™s what everyone is doing.

I think the challenge also is expanding without a large budget. Thatā€™s one of the reasons why fundraising is important to me. The thing that people will never have to worry about at Insight is that the money is going to a single person. The staff salary is minimal. I donā€™t take a salary. Our facilitators donā€™t get paid very much in comparison to what they should get paid. All our money goes directly into the program. I think itā€™s important for us to get that message out in our fundraising.

Weā€™ve got Kalamazoo, Michigan and South Bend Indiana wanting to do trainings. Weā€™ve got Boston, weā€™ve got L.A. People are starting to talk about it in Dallas and Austin. Theyā€™re doing trainings in Miami. Iā€™d love to do Spanish trainings there. Thereā€™s a huge need. We have one coming up in L.A., and New Jersey. If we could have ten cities with regular trainings, I think we would be on course to be building the organization in the U.S., and then continually grow in the right strategic places internationally.

NDH: It occurs to me listening to you that you are about as enthusiastic now about Insight as you were when you were 19.

Joey: I am. Nothingā€™s changed. Itā€™s good work, man. Itā€™s the work that I think J-R and Russell Bishop brought forward for us, for this family, figuring we needed it. But it applies worldwide. Everybody can use an Insight training. They donā€™t need it. But they could use it.


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5 thoughts on “100% Living and Working with John-Roger | An Interview with Joey Hubbard”

  1. Awesome! Thanks Joey for sharing and David for doing the interview. Very helpful for me to envision Insight dynamically expanding with joy and being received around the world with gratitude. See you at October Masters Class. Corinne

  2. Leanna James Blackwell

    Thank you, Joey! What beautiful sharing. Iā€™m doing Insight III in just a few days and your words are just what I need to prepare inside. I love you Leanna

  3. Thanks for sharing Joey! Always enjoy hearing about your experiences with JR and Insight. Needless to say I also have a deep appreciation for both, and would still very much like to be a part the latter’s expansion – but at this point I’m just surrendering to where Spirit takes me in this regard, particularly with having my ego “get out of the way”… Thanks again for all your support and love over the years, and lots of love going right back to you!

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