
New Day Herald

How To Be Clear About Your Intention


How To Be Clear About Your Intention
by John-Roger, DSS

This is your life, so find an intention (an overriding purpose or goal) that you can live or die in, and then follow that. It may take you some time and some soul-searching, but it is worth it, because you are worth it.

You will be dying in something at some time, so you might as well decide what it is

and what is really worth your time and attention.

You will come and work in this world, get married, have kids, spend your life in slavery to car payments and house payments, work eight hours a day, and then die, and you can take none of that with you. Not a bit of it goes with you.

The very thing that is going to go on, that is going to live, that does not die, is the Soul–you, the eternal one, the divine one, God in this form.

Yet you may not work on it to know it and to have it establish itself as the foremost thing in your life, your intention.

Why not make your intention God consciousness?

Why not learn about the inner realms before you die so you can know where you are going?

If you do not move in that direction, you will not get it. And if you do move in that direction, you will be moving that way all the time, every moment of your waking consciousness. And as you start moving into it, you will start making wise choices.

As you make wise choices, your environment will settle down, and you will begin getting free of it. Then you will start to say, “Life is good.”

It has really been the same life all along. It is just your attitude that is now creating peace and harmony, and you are more aware of living in grace and in the Soul.

When you clear something during your spiritual exercises, through Soul awareness, you can stay clear with it by not going back into it on the lower levels.

You do this by saying, “I’m not going to participate in that.” If you do it out of hostility, anger, or separation, the people around you can perceive your negative thrust and can be hurt.

“So you simply declare your new direction–’I am going to participate in this’–and move into new activity, always going towards your intention.John-Roger, DSS

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