
New Day Herald

Live Your Life the Best You Can

Live your life the best that you can.

It can be hard, even on good days, but still do it, and work the best you can and give yourself credit.

And if you have flaws, fine. Just donā€™t focus on them; work on them. If you looked only at your flaws, you probably wouldnā€™t feel worthy to be here because you would see the errors of your behavior and the imperfections of your body.

So focus on the goodness of the work you do, and then correct the flaws as you go along.

The negative thinking that we can hold inside ourselves is really a demonstration of great mind power.

What would happen if we decided to move that to a positive action and go for the essence behind all our actions as being that which is loving, caring, and sharing, and health, wealth, and happiness, and prosperity, abundance, and riches for everyone?

And inside, we are doing Soul transcendence, and when weā€™re not, weā€™re loving, caring, and sharing.

John-Roger – From the book Forgiveness.

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