
New Day Herald

Into the Christ Consciousness | A Retreat at Lake Arrowhead


John-Richard Greene recently wrote the script for a new retreat entitled Into the Christ Consciousness which he facilitated with David Bransky at MSIA’s property in Lake Arrowhead, CA. The weekend retreat featured lots of time for Spiritual Exercises and John-Roger excerpts about the Christ as well as delicious home-cooked meals and plenty of time in the natural beauty of Lake Arrowhead.

In this article, John-Richard and David share about their experience of Into the Christ Consciousness.

John-Richard Greene

Part of the great value of being at a retreat such as “Into the Christ Consciousness” is simply the choice to set aside time to focus inwardly on that which is the source of all loving and joy, the Soul. By participating in the retreat, we are choosing into greater devotion and dedication to the Spirit within, that which is the Christ, our true nature.

This retreat focuses on J-R excerpts and seminars on the Christ Consciousness as well as Spiritual Exercises and their value in this inner journey. The format presents the opportunity to practice holding a loving focus within while maintaining awareness of the outer circumstances. It’s like an exercise in awareness of watching where we choose to place our attention. That awareness allows for a more conscious choice of where we place our focus and as a result, the opportunity to choose more into our true nature.

Because we take care of the outer environment such as the timing of events throughout the retreat, (including free time) as well as providing deliciously prepared meals, we offer the simple opportunity to let go of worldly concerns and focus within. That inner focus is the purpose of this retreat, to practice listening inwardly for the Sound Current and opening our awareness to a greater experience of the Spiritual Heart, the Christ within.

The Arrowhead property is such a beautiful setting in nature it enhances the retreat experience and offers a welcome respite from the busyness of the everyday world. The joy and laughter that naturally arise when we get together as a group is just an added bonus and part of the overall fun andĀ joy of being there.

“When two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also.” – Jesus Christ

David Bransky

Being at our Lake Arrowhead property for the weekend “Retreat Into the Christ Consciousness” was simply a joy and a

treat. The format was simple and the experience profound. So much Loving, so much pointing and beckoning towards the Inner, and continued opportunities to be embraced in the Traveler’s Presence.

Another aspect of this weekend was to relax into the energy and Spirit of J-R that seems so anchored in all the years and all the spiritual work that has taken place on those grounds.

And as if that wasn’t more than enough, there was the wind blowing through the tops of trees with the smell of pine sweetening the night.

I hope MSIA/PTS continue to do weekend retreats there and I sincerely invite you to consider giving yourself a treat.

Here’s a slideshow with some photos from the retreat.

If you’d like to take theĀ Into the Christ Consciousness Retreat, click here to email John-Richard Greene

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