We define Celebration as a gathering of students and their families, where we can share stories, photos, videos… share from the heart… tell tales, etc. It is a time to celebrate from the heart and reconnect with the reason that brought us here: to be part of the MSIA family.
Celebração dos 26 anos do MSIA (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
Definimos Celebração como uma reunião dos estudantes e suas famílias, onde podemos compartilhar histórias, fotos, vídeos… compartilhar com o coração… contar histórias, etc. É um momento para celebrar com o coração e nos reconectarmos com o motivo que nos trouxe até aqui: fazer parte da família MSIA.
This event in person is English with consecutive Portuguese translation.
This event online is English with consecutive Portuguese translation and simultaneous Spanish translation.
Date and Time: November 15, 2024
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm BRT, Friday (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm PST, Friday (Los Angeles, CA)
Location: Caesar Business Belvedere | Rod. Stael Mary Bicalho Motta Magalhães, 421 – Belvedere, Belo Horizonte – MG.
Participate In Person:
In Person Tuition: $15.00
In Person Registration: Required. To register contact Ketherine Ferraz | +55 11 94075-7437 | ketherineferraz@gmail.com
Participate Online
Online Tuition: $10.00
Online Registration: Required. Viewing instructions are sent via email upon completion of registration.
Questions About This Event? Email registrar@msia.org or call +1 (323) 737-4055
Need Technical Support? Email msialive1@gmail.com
Cancellation Policy: All tuition paid is non-refundable and non-transferable unless MSIA/PTS cancels the event.