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HeartReach Death Café

October 25, 2022
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
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2022-10-25 17:00
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We will be hosting monthly Death Cafés in order to have an opportunity to again discuss any aspects of death and dying in a safe space as we have done before. This event will once again be hosted by long time Death Café attendee and minister, Arlene Stepputat along with Skyler Patton.

Our intention is to host these on the third or last Tuesday of each month.

The Death Café is an international movement where people come together in a safe environment to talk about all things related to death and dying.

In-person Death Cafés provide tea and a cake or cookies so we encourage you to bring your favorite tea or coffee and a treat, while participating from home,  to accompany the discussion.

Prerequisites: Current active subscription to Discourses or current subscription to SATs if you have completed Discourse #144. To renew Discourses or SAT Subscription call +1 (323) 737-4055 or email order@msia.org.

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 25th, 10:00 am – 11:00 am PT

For more information on international Death Cafés, visit www.deathcafe.org

Participate Online:

Tuition Online: Complimentary
Registration: Not required.
Zoom Link: Click Below to join the meeting
Need Technical Support? Email MSIAlive1@gmail.com

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