When we are knocked down by life’s storms and we get back up again, we are exercising our divinity.
When we choose to love rather than judge, we are exercising our divinity.
When we withhold the blow rather than needlessly strike out, we are exercising our divinity.
Our divinity therefore is demonstrated in our ordinary moment-to-moment choices.
John-Roger, DSS
Thank you for participating in Part One of this class. We covered a lot of ground and as there is much more to learn, uncover and go deeper, I thought it deserved a Part Two.
In this new 9-week class, we will have more time for personal sharing as we review what we learned in Part One, while we explore new territory, new information, and new experiential processes.
We will be seeing how quantum physics and nonduality intersect with our daily lives, and when activated create more flow and synchronicities; more joy and magic; transforming the challenges of the times into blessed experiences. I do hope you can join us. We have a wonderful group, and it would be lovely to continue this sacred journey together.
“Your ultimate destiny is to be consciously aware on all levels at all times and to know your own divinity.
When you do this, you also know the divinity in all things and realize that it is all one.”
John-Roger, DSS
All classes are recorded and can be accessed live, or viewed later at your own pace for at least a year after you register.
Course Curriculum:
- Week 1: The Mystic Way of Ordinariness
- Week 2: The Mystic Way of Love
- Week 3: The Mystic Way of Joy
- Week 4: The Mystic Way of Opposites
- Week 5: The Mystic Way of Light
- Week 6: The Mystic Way of Dance
- Week 7: The Mystic Way in Times of War
- Week 8: The Mystic Way of John Morton (Q & A)
- Week 9: The Mystic Way of the Presence of God
Facilitated by Paul Kaye
Live Class Dates: Monday, July 15, 22, 29; August 12, 19, 26; September 16, 23, 30, 2024 (Recordings can be accessed any time to fit your schedule)
Time of live classes: Mondays at 5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Tuition: $200
Prerequisites: Registered for Path of the Mystic: A Way of Being for Our Time – Part 1
Questions about the class? Email Paul Kaye at paulkaye@msia.org