Events Calendar

Integrating the Spiritual and the Physical (Los Angeles)

This Event is Online Only

Do your daily activities in the world keep you from doing your spiritual practices? Do work or family responsibilities distract you from your spiritual focus? Do you feel fragmented—as if you’re being pulled in different directions? Come and experience practical ways of integrating your spiritual devotion naturally and smoothly into your everyday life so you can relax into wholeness with your Self.

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton (Miami, FL)

This Event is Online Only

There is no event better for getting profound answers to questions about our teachings and living a joyful, abundant fulfilling life than a Q & A for Discourse Subscribers. Because of the group’s established foundation in MSIA’s teachings, the Traveler has greater freedom to go to greater depth and breadth in his responses to our questions that often seem to apply to all of us.