December 1991 SAT | Thou Shalt Not Have Other Gods Before Me (Dec. '89) TWI Premium
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TWI Premium
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This is a rich and beautiful Christmas Eve seminar, given by John-Roger. Within the seminar, he conveys the essence of Christmas with stories across time, but he always has an eye to the practical applications for our daily lives.
J-R says, “We can look back at history. In the manger came the Christ who was born the Lord. It wasn’t a story of his being born and then growing to be the Lord. And yet, the very life of that one called the Prince of Peace is an example of what we must do to fulfill the Spiritual Promise to ourself! We have to come awake that we were born The Lord.”
“So we have to come back always,” J-R goes on, “to what the form of God represents to us. It represents a place to focus our attention. The focusing of the attention starts to release the Spirit, because Spirit is none other than the attention. The Bible says, ‘pray unceasingly.’ Why does it say that? To keep your eye single and upon God.
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