Lies, Truth, Skepticism and Trust TWI Premium
TWI Premium
Are you in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness or the Movement of Outer Psychological Behavior? That’s one of the questions you might ask yourself as you experience this seminar.
John-Roger says he’s our teacher in the Spirit but in the world, our teacher is the world. He looks at the dynamics of lying and how we lie to ourselves to avoid taking responsibility. And he explores how doubt can be used in a positive way.
In talking about being present with ourselves and others, J-R comments, “Do to me today what I did today. And do to me tomorrow what I do tomorrow. Then you’ll be living in the spirit of life because that’s a right-now process.” This is a seminar of J-R at his Lightest and brightest.
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)