January 1991 SAT | Darkness Can’t Go into the Light (Oct. '70) TWI Premium
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TWI Premium
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This is a John-Roger seminar that shines with its own Light. If you’re having difficulty with another person or situation, this seminar will comfort and inform you. J-R says, “Whenever you people with a Light consciousness enter an area where there is an out-of-balance situation——we could call it a darkness——there’s Light there. We become then, the torch bearer of the Holy Spirit. And we become then, the living Light.”
J-R continues, “Now, of course, being human, our first reaction is negativity. Our second reaction should replace negativity with Light.” And here’s the interesting thing about what happens to us as humans. J-R says, “If you strike against the Light you strike against yourself, because if you were to put down one person, you have put yourself down to some degree. Now, God does not punish; man punishes. So remember that. You punish yourself by withdrawing from the consciousness of Light.”
And what’s the promise J-R holds out to us? “Once you turn to the Light, the darkness has to retreat, has to release, has to let go. And so we have a golden bridge to wherever we want to go.”
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)