Positive Aspects of Ego (Feb. ’72) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
This seminar was originally released as the August 2002 SAT. It has now been released into the “Personal-Use” category and is available to those not subscribed to the Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) Series.
As the title suggests, this lively, story-filled seminar clearly explains how the ego is a positive aspect of our consciousness. “Dissolve the ego?” John-Roger exclaims. “It’s foolish; it can’t be done. Instead, understand the ego. Everyone should.”
The key is to treat the ego as a tool or implement to be used, but not to identify with, J-R is quick to state. Accordingly, he says, “It is really nice to have an ‘ego trip’ as long as you know that’s what it is.” And then true to the core teaching of MSIA, J-R does remind us, “You must ultimately go within to find the solution to your beingness.”
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)