1. Walking with the Lord (Audio book) | Chapter 1 - Why Spiritual Exercises? TWI Premium
TWI Premium
Read by Jack Favor.
For anyone interested in spiritual exercises, or for anyone who wants a deeper relationship with God, this guide is indispensable. It is a handbook that provides instruction in meditation, in chanting the name of God, and in dealing with mental and emotional distractions that tend to get in the way. It also describes the quality of empathy that awakens through doing spiritual exercises, and explains the various realms of the Spirit that meditators may visit.
"I teach what God taught: spiritual exercises. This isn't mine. It's not new. It's as old as the ancient of days. It's as old as God. And it's God's method that's being done." - from the book
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)