
New Day Herald

John Morton Facilitating the Blessing of the Highest Good

Receive the Blessing of the Highest Good


On the Thursday before Easter, John Morton treated us to a preview of this year’s Conference workshop (The Highest Good Workshop) at a special evening event called The Blessing of the Highest Good.

I liked it and I loved it. What I liked about it was seeing the MSIA family show up – over 125 people were present in the room with another couple hundred online. It was a nice turnout for an all-hands on deck event on a Thursday night.

Those who were present got to participate in a PAT-like process focused on the Highest Good. In my understanding, the Peace Awareness Trainings (PATs), are specially designed to support participants in releasing blocks to experiencing the truth and loving of their own Beingness.

What I loved about the event was that feel-good experience of being in the room. Being with the Traveler. Being with the participants. It was all hands on deck and all eyes on God led with loving care by John Morton and gracefully MC’d by Leigh Taylor-Young.

If you’ve ever wanted to witness John and Leigh demonstrate a PAT process, look no further:

John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young Demonstrate the PAT Process

New J-R excerpts (video and audio) are being specially prepared for the Highest Good Workshop. So we’ll have plenty of John-Roger’s teachings as originally spoken. And it’s facilitated by John Morton, the living Traveler. What more could we ask for?

Sign up for The Highest Good Workshop and The Conference of the Highest Good

Here’s a little piece of writing, inspired by The Blessing of the Highest Good:

I’m standing in front of you holding a gold bar. It’s called a kilobar and weighs 1000 grams (2.2 pounds), the same as a liter of water. The gold catches the light of the room and seems to be lit from within. According to, it’s worth over $40k USD.

You hold out your hands and I pass the gold to you. It’s heavy for its size. You feel its weight and its smooth, round edges. You notice the softness of the gold in your hands.

“This is the blessing of the highest good,” I say “It’s available to all who are open to receive.”

If I said, “everyone who shows up gets a kilobar,” then you’d probably come to the Conference of the Highest Good. You might even rearrange your schedule to make sure that you’d get there. Right?

Here’s the thing, we’re not handing out any gold bars at Conference. I don’t have the funds for that yet but we will have other nice things for basic selves, like snacks and coffee; friends and laughter; VIP toilets; FREE Parking; long meal breaks; ETC. On top of that, it’s going to be a lot of fun and the nice thing is that it’s not as heavy as the gold bar. And the nicer thing is that it could be worth even a little more but in a different way.

Here’s Matthew 6:19–20 from the Bible (KJV):

19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Of what kind of treasure does Matthew speak? I don’t know for sure but if I were to look into it, there are a few places where I’d start:

    1. A Living Traveler
    2. John-Roger’s teachings
    3. John Morton Blessings
    4. Those who love one another
    5. Spiritual Exercises
    6. Initiates of the Sound Current
    7. Ministers of Light and Sound

All of these things are to be found at The Conference of the Highest Good. If ever there were a chance to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” this would be it.

Let us gather in the name of the lord and receive those blessings that are available to us. Let us recognize the bounty and abundance of that which is. Let us receive the blessing of the highest good in the highest form – in the multidimensional nature of what is and may we store great gifts in heaven this Conference of the Highest Good.

In MSIA we say Baruch Bashan – it means “the blessings already are.” J-R also told us: “spirit meets you at the point of your action.”

May we act in accordance with our blessings and know that the best is yet to come.

See you at Conference!

Register today for The Conference of the Highest Good

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