
New Day Herald

Seminar Leader Update: June 2019

“As a Seminar Leader, you are an important part of the Traveler’s work. You provide a consistent, reliable, and safe place for those who are looking for the Traveler’s teachings. Your seminars provide the opportunity for you and your guests to come into greater communion with the Traveler and Spirit.” – from the Seminar Leader Handbook

David Whitaker here, your new Seminar Leader Coordinator. I appreciate the warm welcome that I’ve received from many of you and I look forward to getting to know you and to supporting you in your seminars. Much thanks to Debbie Roth and the other seminar leader coordinators who have come before me.

I want to start by saying how much I appreciate all of you and the Light focus that you hold in your communities. Thank you for helping to make the teachings of the Traveler available to those who are looking for them. As a participant in seminars from a young age (my parents held seminars in our home for most of my life) I know the power and spiritual connection that a home seminar can bring both to the hosts and to the participants.

Thank you for your service. I love reading updates from those of you who send them and I’d love to hear from you anytime you have something you’d like to share. When we share with each other, we have the opportunity to send the Light and to appreciate the value of this work.

Debbie Roth and I have been working together for some time now, and I hope that I can continue with the personal touch and loving guidance that she brings in my own open-hearted style.

For over a year now, Debbie, Gaby Grigorescu, and I have been hosting monthly Zoom seminars. Zoom seminars are offered online and you can participate from anywhere in the world. Our Next Zoom seminar is on June 13th. I’d love to see you there. If you’d like to connect with the Seminar energy, it’s a great way to do it. Just click the button below and sign up and you’ll receive an email notification about each upcoming Zoom seminar.

Sign up to recieve Zoom seminar invites

At this time of transition, as I become the seminar leader coordinator, I’d like to invite each of you to recall what it was that motivated you to become a seminar leader. What was going on in your life at the time when you made that decision? What was your vision for your seminars? And what is your intention now as a Seminar Leader?

If you’d like me the answers to your questions, I’d love to hear them. It’d be a great way for me to get to know you as I step into this new role. You can reach me anytime at

My own intention as a seminar leader is to continue to hold monthly Zoom seminars and my intention for those seminars is that they are a clear space for Spirit to work with all who are present, seen and unseen, for the highest good.

In Loving Service,
David Whitaker

2 thoughts on “Seminar Leader Update: June 2019”

  1. Thanks for this loverly intro to you David and what you intend to bring to your open-hearted role. Good to have you leading us. Let me see…when did I become a seminar leader? OMG it has been a few years. I think it was in the early 90’s perhaps, and I wanted to keep them going at my home in Victoria. A friend who actually got me excited about MSIA in 1983, the year I sent for Discourses, was leaving the house that we were sharing and he had been the seminar leader. I wanted the seminars to continue so I thought it would be good to take on the role of seminar leader to do that. I had not too long before done the Insight I, II, and III so I was ready to take on responsibility in a new way. I don’t know if I had a particular vision for them at the time – I just loved getting together once a week for a potluck and seminar. We always made such awesome food – it tasted good! These days I do them because they are necessary to keep the Traveler alive in my/our heart so the new age can just slip slide into place so easy and gracefully.

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