
New Day Herald

Christine Garnon (center) with Jsu Garcia (left)

The Traveler’s Visit to Strasbourg: A Tremendous Blessing

The Traveler’s visit to Strasbourg, France, in September 2022, lasted for three full days and was ‘a tremendous blessing’ according to one participant. John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young Morton had visited us for the first time in July 2017, with a Q&A for Ministers and Initiates as well as an Open Workshop facilitated by Leigh, “Introduction to the Sound Current.”

This year, our little group represented several countries: Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Iran, Spain, Switzerland and the US. On Friday, the appointments with Vincent for Services and Initiations, as well as for Ministerial Counselings with John and Leigh, took place and those of us who were available had lunch together in a bistro close to the building housing the headquarters of the European Parliament.

At the European Parliament, once the security check was passed, we had the place almost to ourselves – a very unusual occurrence.  The Traveler did a Light invocation in the middle of the large circular courtyard. A participant was asked to speak about the significance of the institution, another pointed to an episode of WWII that could still use some Light for the highest good. We entered the building – named after Louise Weiss – and as we freely explored the expansive space inside, the atmosphere was very subdued and peaceful.  We could even sit and do Spiritual Exercises together inside the voting chamber, called the ‘Hémicycle’ in French. The life of Louis Weiss – related on exhibited panels – resonated intimately with Leigh.  Louis Weiss was an inspiring woman way ahead of her time who relentlessly advocated peace and women’s rights after surviving WW I.

On Saturday, more Services took place with Vincent and we were also blessed with two Ordinations. We took part in a two-hour Open Workshop, “Peace is Present” in English with French translation, facilitated by John Morton. Three people came who were entirely new to such an event. After a short pause, only Ministers were present in the room and an excerpt of a poem written by a Persian Traveler was translated into French and English, then beautifully sung in Persian by a participant, as an ancient Light invocation. The Q&A meeting for Ministers and Initiates lasted for a couple of hours, it was facilitated by John Morton and translated into French. The day ended with a friendly meal in the restaurant located in the hotel venue. Fortunately, the French chef passed the test of no onion, garlic or pork.

On Sunday, we were graced with perfect weather for a leisurely walk with John & Leigh through the German-medieval and French-18th century sections of the city. We spotted John Morton’s name engraved at the base of a Gutenberg’s statue, next to Benjamin Franklin’s; we smiled at ‘Maison Jean Roger’ (‘Jean’ in French means ‘John’) in bold letters on a building facing Gutenberg’s statue. And when the Traveler asked a participant to do a planetary blessing in front of St Thomas church where Mozart had given a concert, its bells suddenly started to ring. We ended the afternoon at the top of the Vauban fortifications – one of 14 defensive walls of the city – overlooking Strasbourg with its numerous waterways. Then we walked back together to the seminar location and parted company.

The Traveler had been invited to come with a focus on peace, and his presence of Light inside the European Parliament filled me with total gratitude. My experience was that he may also have been doing the continuation of Spirit’s work with the Sound Current started in 2017 because of numerous occurrences and references to music, sound and the beauty of it during his visit.

For some of us, gathering together physically as a group was experienced as ‘incredibly harmonious’ and even of ‘one accord’. There was also an experience of ‘profound yet light loving energy that lifted the whole group’. Walking the streets was experienced as ‘clearing karma’. There is so much gratitude for John’s ‘powerful and magnificent presence’ as the Traveler. Leigh’s presence among us was ‘treasured’ and Jsu’s unique contribution was received as a ‘beautiful gift to the group.’

To conclude, I would like to express my appreciation to John Morton, the Traveler, for his high level of cooperation and flexibility with was what being presented to him and as things kept shifting – at least in my perception.

Christine Garnon, native of Strasbourg, France

View the Photos from the Traveler’s Visit to Strasbourg, France

3 thoughts on “The Traveler’s Visit to Strasbourg: A Tremendous Blessing”

  1. Corinne here again…I just remembered I had some emotional releasing, looking at the photos – so clearing karma from my living room and visiting Strasbourg – cool.
    And the picture of John as pied piper and Leigh with drum touched me. I saw Leigh as John’s cheerleader and John, well with a flute… perfect is that.

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