
New Day Herald

Calling Forward the Christ: A Radical Approach to Forgiveness

Originally published in the May/June 1990 NDH.

Some people think that it was Jesus’ death that brought forward forgiveness as a mechanism to get back to God. Actually, though, it was his resurrection that did it all. The resurrection, the transformation, is what is taking care of all the “sin”.

The Gospel of John is every person’s story of the Christ within, which is Light and life in the world. Jesus was crucified between a liar and a thief, which are the personalities that dwell in the world. The Christ is always crucified between the liar and the thief. And at the last minute, one of those will not repent and the other one will. One will die with sin on its hands, and the other one will die with forgiveness. That is reincarnation. When both die in forgiveness, then there’s nothing to come back to and to rectify. Remember that it’s the story that you hold in your Soul that you’re balancing out.

That book of JohnĀ  was written as though we’re in a dream state. Each of us can say, “The Christ is me, and everything else is the people that I put in there and the things that I do and don’t do to my Christ self. And at some point, I or someone else will crucify my Christ self.”

When that happens, someone who also has undergone the crucifixion and the resurrection will come forward, look into your eyes, call forward the Christ out of the burial tomb, and resurrect it where it sits behind the eyes. The Christ is still in its tomb because it’s in the head, but it must be freed from that so it floods the entire being. This is who we truly are.

We cannot shirk the responsibility of always calling forth the Christ in everyone wherever we go. And we will only truly have the Christ awakened when we start to see it looking out of the eyes of everyone who looks at us.

Forgiveness does not accomplish that; it is a process that brings you to that. Then you must, out of your own volition or will, once again enter into Christ and become God manifesting in the world again as this personality, as the Christ in you that is the very direct extension of God doing God.

Self-crucifixion is probably the most deceptive one to deal with because the thief and the liar on each side of the Christ deny that it’s ever happened or that it is happening to them. But everybody will undergo the death of the personality and enter into the. At the point you do that, you will actually be birthing the Christ as an infant inside of you.

Some people will fake sincerity, honesty, and truthfulness because they’re masters of the facade, what they put on to protect themselves in the world. Those who would look into their eyes can see back there the Christ in the tomb. Our job is to keep calling forward the Christ from the tomb in them by loving them through it all. Maybe it’s doing nothing; maybe it’s not talking. You don’t have to participate. Jesus walked by a town and never participated with the people there.

In the Bible, it says to “pray unceasingly.” Maybe what we’re praying for is forgiveness. And forgiveness, looked at as a compassionate act, must also be looked at on the other side as a radical act. When are we forgiven by God? When we do things God’s way. And when are we forgiven by Christ? When we come to Christ and become Christlike or do things Christ’s way. That’s a radical approach to forgiveness.

The only ones who know what Christ is are those who are aware and know that spiritually. Everybody else comes from their ego, from the thief and the liar in them, and they would ā€œlieā€ it from you and steal it from you at the same time.Ā  So eternal vigilance Ā is the password for forgiveness. It’s a constant state of awareness that no harm is meant or intended in anything you do or say. That then becomes a spiritual line of energy.

People who have a clear intention of hurting under the guise of a divine name are damning themselves. I would stay clear of them because you don’t know when this great worm from the earth will reach up and grab them–and take part of your leg with it. When I know there’s a contagious disease ravaging an area, I never travel into it. There’s a good chance I won’t get the disease–but what if I do get it? Just entertaining that thought has left me vulnerable to receive it. I don’t want any of it. So I find the people who are going the way I’m going, and we hang out together. And if nobody’s going that way, that’s fine. As long as you’re resurrected in your connection with the divinity, it matters very little because one day they’ll all go that way.

Baruch Bashan.

John-Roger, DSS

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