
New Day Herald

Striking the Sacred Tones of a New Year [with Photos and Video]


A New Year is dawning. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens (PAL&G) revelers arrive in their Sunday best. (In LA that means lots of bling. Tasteful, bling, of course.) On December 31st the historic Italian Renaissance villa, PAL&G headquarters, is packed. Fans of popular meditation teacher and author, Paul Kaye, are here to experience Sacred Tones. Throughout the evening Paul delivers strategies to ā€œdial inā€ a Happy New Year.

Beginnings seem to evoke prayers for rebirth into a heavenly life upgrade. As we all know repeating the same behaviors produces similar results. (And is plain crazy if different outcomes are desired.) Paul suggests starting with the heart. After all, it is smack dab in the middle of all energy centers. It unites the lower and higher parts of ourselves. The fourth chakra is what ā€œSufis call the unstruck sound,ā€ says Paul. ā€œAnahata in Sanskrit.ā€

The word also translates to ā€œunhurt, unbeaten.ā€ Our feelings and bodies can be hurt. But the anahata, the heart, remains unscathed. If any kind of change is to emerge in 2018, courage (wisdom of the heart ā€“ coeur de age) is required. Intuition must be engaged but hearing the divine counsel is challenging when afflicted with a nervous-Nellie mind.

To quiet anxious chatter; errors of the past must be forgiven. Distorted perceptions of ourselves must be replaced with divine truth. How in Heavenā€™s name do we get there? ā€œJohn-Roger says, ā€˜Love is the Healer. Joy is the expression.ā€™ Develop that unconditional sense of loving,ā€ says Paul.

Here are a few other Paul Kaye tips:
1. Forgiveness is primarily so we can free ourselves. Magic happens with sentences such as, ā€œI forgive myself for judging Witcherita for spilling pink paint on my new sneakers.ā€
2. Meditate! ā€œIntroduction of the mantra can take us from the physical level to who we really are,ā€ says Paul.
3. John-Rogerā€™s So-HawngĀ Meditation (Available in the Joyful Meditations Packet) is recommended to clarify messages of the heart and mind.
4. For the New Year, ā€œSet intentions, not goals.ā€ Even if we give up ice cream for one dayā€¦Well, weā€™re closer to our intention of saying sayonara to sugar.
5. To quote John-Roger: ā€œWhere you place your focus, there will be your heart.ā€
6. Try on a new mindset. What if the Universe was for us?

Wishing you the brightest, best New Year ever!


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