
New Day Herald

A Highest Good Weekend with John Morton in San Diego [with Photos]


As I sat in the filled San Diego room I couldn’t help but notice an immediate powerful loving feeling wash over me. An inspirational feeling as though my dreams were coming true right then and there.

John’s sharing Friday night took me very deep. I started traveling to other realms and as always it was a profound inner journey that took me out the other side to a new lesson I didn’t know was there before. It was a perfect evening to kick off the weekend. I left feeling clear and joyful.

The next morning was the workshop, Leigh Taylor Young facilitated with kindness and energy holding a space for us all to open up to the greater presence and inner master within us. As I started going through the processes I immediately noticed an energy shifting within me. I became aware of something more powerful, a force coming forward, an inner knowing working through me that was doing it all for me. My inner master knew what I didn’t. It knew how to open me up, where to take me in every moment and my trust of what I was doing became more and more apparent. My inner master had the answers and helped me to bring forward and clear the things that I didn’t even know were in the way.

Both sides, all sides of me, merged and I had the most beautiful awareness: that if I am present and loving with whomever is in front of me that person becomes the inner master reflected to me and the perfect person for me to gain greater access to my loving. In that, everyone in front of me becomes a gift helping me go into a deeper and more profound experience of loving then I could ever dream up. With all my doubts dissolved I started the week free and clear!!!

– Liz Bagish



Some Kind of Workshop in Encinitas
By David Sand

If you look down at the earth from a plane at night, you can see the collections of lights that form cities and towns, and if you’re high enough the lights merge together into larger fields of light scattered in the darkness. Spiritually, up and down the west coast groups of initiates form similar collections of inner light. For years John-Roger traveled to these cities, from Berkeley to San Diego, and the Light energy of this whole west coast area is powerful. It’s clear and it’s subtle, because it’s light rather than something tangible. It’s so clear that you can see right through it, so often in this sunny, arid freeway non-culture it seems like there’s nothing going on.

But if you look past the apparent emptiness you can see the sun, desert and ocean all merging in horizon-melting light that disperses impediments to free-flowing consciousness, or any mental or emotional knots. You can see really far, and you don’t even have to be elevated to do it. You see from where you are. J-R drove in on those unbending freeways from the Utah desert and planted light and initiated people all through this area, and created a necklace of light columns and initiates in the strand of cities on the California coast. It’s like the ancient Nile without the water, or ancient Greece without the architecture. It’s a moonscape with air conditioning and indoor plumbing, with an alien culture of people implanted from very high spiritual realms, living like humans in blue-sky suburbs but with galaxies of light in their heads.

Similarly, John Morton as the Traveler and Leigh Taylor-Young as facilitator made the two-hour trip from L.A. to Encinitas (near San Diego) for this workshop, and I went there to do photos. I got to see the group of people who are illuminating that part of the network. Some of them you see in L.A., some you don’t. They’re not self-effacing enough to hide or insecure enough to need to exhibit themselves. So they’re just holding the Light. Almost all of them have been around for years, but often you see one or two new people who are just starting on Discourses, or newly initiated (in this lifetime). As I perceive it, there are ways to recognize who’s going to make it into the light network. They’re old souls so they’re not overly excited about getting anything on the earth or depressed about lacking anything in heaven; they know how to navigate the world reasonably well, and they have a positive light energy. They radiate instead of absorb, they’re givers, and they’re generally pretty unpretentious and ordinary. It’s not like they’re saintly in any way, but there’s a combination of inner strength and harmlessness in them that you don’t usually find in a human being. There was a “new” couple there with those qualities and I said to myself, “Yup, they’re one of us.”

When a bunch of these people get together there’s a melding of inner lights that creates a kind of warmth and sense of well-being in a group. You naturally slip into meditation or spiritual exercises like sliding into a bath. The Light is bright but not blinding. It’s protective rather than inflictive. Don’t ask me what we did or who said what. That stuff is mostly irrelevant and often a distraction from the oneness, but it holds people’s focus so they don’t drift off and the light can do its work. The inventiveness in creating workshop titles and subjects always amazes me. This one was something about divine presence or essence, or some kind of sense. These periodic visits from the Traveler serve to clear the consciousness of the scraps of earthly concerns and creations that we sometimes pick up from rubbing up against the negativity of our current culture. So it’s a coming together in celebration and also a cleansing and a tuneup. There was talking from the stage and talking in pairs and questions-and-answers to re-focus consciousness, and spiritual exercises and guided meditations.

There you have it. Now is it making any sense?




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