
New Day Herald

Heaven on Earth Workshop Day 1 [with Photos]

The Conference of Heaven on Earth Workshop was facilitated by Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick. With over 600 participants in the room and another 200+ online, it was a gathering of profound loving and spiritual focus and also the largest turnout for Conference that MSIA has seen in years.

Ron and Mary have facilitated beautifully, bringing over 35 years of experience from their work in the USM classroom and as the USM presidency. This was their first time facilitating the MSIA Conference workshop and I experienced the whole thing as a beautiful collaboration between MSIA and USM, two organizations that devote their work to the expanding spiritual consciousness on the planet.

I spoke with Paul Kaye this morning about the importance of Ron and Mary facilitating the Conference Workshop. What stood out to me from our conversation was an image of expansion and a turning point as the organizations founded by John-Roger begin a new age of collaboration.

Hereā€™s what one workshop participant shared on Facebook about her experience of the workshop:

WOW dear beloved Heaven On Earth Conference Angels!!! Thank you for a profoundly grounding and highly heart-expanding experience at my first MSIA conference ever. I want to especially thank all of you who put up with it being (from what I hear) very different than usual conferences. It made all the difference to me and I have been crying tears of joy since last night when my heart burst wide open to RECEIVE all the loving that has always been here, but I could not access before on a level like this.

I chose to assist in this because whenever I had been to anything MSIA in the past (seminars, workshops, talks) I always felt like an outsider. And in some ways, like I was spiritually dumb. I just didnā€™t get why yaā€™ll were so blissed out and un-welcoming (my perception) of newcomers. The ā€˜movementā€™ felt secretive to me and like I wasnā€™t able to ever get into the club. This of course made me suspicious for the 15 years I dipped my toe in and out of MSIA waters.

But this year, with Ron and Mary and fellow USM family, with being on the assisting team (I feel a sense of safety and belonging in service roles) and with a format I understood, I was able to trust and surrender more than ever. A BIG judgment around something significant related to MSIA shifted through my willingness, intention and grace. And the floodgates to loving finally opened during the beautiful dinner talk and video series about J-R and MSIA last night. I canā€™t explain what happen in words nor do I need to, but it was a spiritual

I thank you with all my being for letting the seminar be different this year. Heaven really is at hand, and at heart. Now. THANK YOU.

Photos from Day 1 of the Conference Workshop

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