
New Day Herald

The Pope's Blessing

Heaven On Earth Tour 2018 | Rome, Italy | Day 16


“My job is to awaken the soul into the soul realm, so you can have heaven while you’re on earth.” John-Roger, DSS.


Rome, Italy | Day 16 | September 30

Today we return to the Vatican for the Angelus Blessing with the Pope.

We gather with John to hear him talk before the Pope appears. John shares an inspirational message with us as we gather being beacons of Light at this sacred, beautiful moment in time.

It is now noon and the Pope appear and leads in praying the Angelus on this Sunday and Holy Days from the window of his study overlooking Saint Peter’s Square. At the conclusion of the Angelus, Pope Francis gives an Apostolic Blessing, which extends to you, your loved ones, and any devotional items that you have brought with you to be blessed. We arrive very early to find a spot to view the Pope.

The afternoon is free and many continue on touring through Rome, while for others they head back to the hotel to soak in these days in Rome and get ready for our next journey.

In Loving Service
Love and Light Julie Lurie

Touring Videos Coming Soon


Touring Photos by David Sand

Scroll down to the bottom to read David Sand’s Day 16 travalogue.


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From David Sand on Day 16:

Such a nice day. Such a nice pope. He talks about love and non-judgment–and John the Beloved. We’ve had experiences with large religious crowds at Lourdes and Fatima on recent trips, but this one is so nonchalant, friendly and fun. No pressure, no psychic hooks or “give me, give me.” No jostling or competing for space or drama or superstition. Just a cheery, festive day in the sun, like people getting together to see Santa Claus in the summertime. Good vibes, clean energy. An inkling of what’s to come as we create heaven on earth and the world’s religions embrace the law of love and the immanence of spirit in each person. John does a powerful blessing with our group and it feels in tune with the energy that’s there in St. Peter’s square.

It’s hard to create pressure in Italy. It takes too much effort, and no one is buying it. Rome is the most laid-back big city I’ve seen. Los Angelenos think they’re laid-back, but they’re uptight by comparison, more afraid of life and more competitive—which means afraid of losing. Romans have won and lost so many times that they don’t let it interfere with a good meal or a good time. As we leave Rome for the countryside I experience for the first time feeling more relaxed in a big city than when I leave for the country.

In the afternoon John takes us on an unplanned walking tour of the area around the Pantheon, we visit the hotel where some of us stayed with J-R in 2010 (when J-R didn’t come out for five days, and we explored the city while he explored the higher realms), and we decide to eat lunch in the hotel’s rooftop restaurant. J-R’s energy comes so present whenever we talk about him.

It’s a day of spontaneity and it feels like a letting-go of all the dust that’s gotten on our shoes (metaphorically) in the spiritual work we’ve been doing on the first portion of the trip–a preparation for the J-R legacy tour where I get the impression that we’re moving into the J-R mode of the bliss of non-duality, where we could stay inside and travel out of the body for five days, or tour around for five days, and it would all be the same.

4 thoughts on “Heaven On Earth Tour 2018 | Rome, Italy | Day 16”

  1. Very Nice, Much Loving Light! Felt a shift in me while reading and viewing all these wonderful photos TY all! God Bless!

  2. I have so enjoyed traveling with you, reading Julie’s wonderful stories and planting light columns from PA! Its so sweet to see you all in the Piazza San Pietro! And in the prayerful company of Papa Francisco. De LIGHT full!
    David’s pictures are so vibrant I feel like I’m there again. I especially enjoyed David’s comments about the laid back nature of Rome. The Pantheon always inspires me whether I’m actually there or seeing pictures. I do hope you all had someone to bring the Roman Forum to life from all those ruins. I bet you have new perspectives on what ‘old” is 🙂
    Continued Light and Blessings

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