
New Day Herald

Breathing the Loving in the Now: Our August Webcast with John Morton

On Saturday, August 17, our afternoon of fresh loving air began with Leigh Taylor-Young Morton welcoming us all to experience the joy, peace and blessings already present.  A student in MSIA since 1973, Leigh shared about her first meeting with John-Roger, the founder of MSIA.  Leigh let us know how John-Roger encouraged her to check out what MSIA had to offer and to use everything for her upliftment, learning and growth.

Leigh called us forward into the Light, reminding us to put any concerns or worries into the Light for clearing and upliftment.  When we chanted Ani Hu, the empathy and oneness brought forward resonated deeply and helped me let go and let God.  What a beautiful way to breathe into the loving present in the now!

Leigh noted how people were gathering together to view the webcast in cities throughout the United States as well as countries around the world.  On-line, folks checked-in to offer their love from California, Michigan, Alabama, Florida, Maryland, and Colorado as well as Brazil, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Australia and France.  As an on-line viewer from Florida, I loved the way we shared our joy and gratitude with simple messages of love and support throughout the webcast.  How we all can experience the profound oneness of Spirit when we reach out and share the loving present!

I especially appreciated John-Roger’s Moment of Peace about sending the Light to people and situations whenever we feel concerned.  John-Roger reminded us that who we truly are is much greater than our physical bodies.  So when we send the Light, it is done on the inner levels where we are all one in the Spirit and loving.  We are spiritual beings here in this world to learn, grow and love one another more openly and fully, the way God loves us all.

Leigh then welcomed Sally Kirkland, who introduced Leigh to MSIA.  Sally recited a sweet, original poem honoring John Morton, the Spiritual Director of MSIA.  Sally’s poem captured the gratitude and inspiration I too feel from John’s profound exampleship of a true Spiritual Warrior and devoted minister of God.  Thank you, Sally, for expressing from your heart what so many of us know!

John, a.k.a. The Blessings Man, then welcomed everyone watching via the internet as well as in the audience in Santa Monica.  He noted how MSIA touches us all personally and individually, which is how God works with each one of us.  John then shared about his first experience with MSIA in 1974 hearing a John-Roger audiotaped seminar.  I was touched by John’s openness and ordinariness, how he allowed himself to question what he heard at that first seminar, while being deeply moved and profoundly awakened.   Each time I hear John share about his early experiences with John-Roger and MSIA, I am re-inspired in my own dedication and devotion to studying and living these teachings of practical spirituality.

John took questions from participants in Santa Monica and well as from around the world via the internet.  Regarding a question about managing pain, John reminded us that who we truly are in our divine nature is pain-free.  When we are living in the now, experiencing the joy of the Spirit in our breath, we can let go of experiencing the pain.  We can smile and breathe in the joy that is present.  John encouraged us to remember that love makes things better.  Love helps ease and heal the pain.

For a question about handling bodily changes, John reminded us that our body is a great servant to us.  Knowing God resides in each one of us, John encouraged us to see the good and learning opportunities in our physical challenges.  He also suggested we move into being of service to others as a way of helping ourselves.

For a concern about climate changes, John suggested we move into greater cooperation and collaboration with each other and the conditions of the world.  He reminded us that we are in this world together and that our world has great potential to function as Heaven.  John inspired us to “Love, sweet love,” as that is “What the world needs now.” 

For a question about letting go of feeling restricted, John suggested seeing all limitations as stepping stones and blessings in our learning and growth.  He defined blessings as “greater good” and reminded us that there is no limit to goodness.  John encouraged us to look at each experience as something we can use in some way for our learning and growth and to bring forward the greater good.

For a question about how the Holy Spirit works, John reminded us that the Spirit works with us openly and completely.  It is a matter of our choosing back and breathing in the Spirit in each moment — in the now.  John suggested we be open to receive of the Spirit, to claim it and invoke it. Then we can know Spirit more fully through our experience of its holy, hallowed and sacred presence.

To know the blessings present, John reminded us to keep breathing in the Spirit.  There is no limit to Spirit’s blessings in each moment.  John then gave us a profoundly beautiful demonstration of bringing forward greater good by closing the webcast with a tender, powerful blessing of knowing Spirit’s presence in the now.

Baruch Bashan (The Blessings Already Are)

Here is a slideshow of Kelly’s photos.

Here is the webcast itself.

msia on Broadcast Live Free

To view the webcast in our archives, click here.

1 thought on “Breathing the Loving in the Now: Our August Webcast with John Morton”

  1. COMPLETELY LOVED THIS WEBCAST!!!!! In my experience, the energy was so high – I experienced an upliftment inside of me and so much loving. Thank you John Morton for this event – in the now is def where it’s at :))

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