
New Day Herald

MSIA Presidency Update – October 2021


Jeffrey Morgan and Anna Sugai.

Thanks so much to those of you who left warm notes of support in the New Day Herald comments section for our first MSIA Presidency update last month.  We are glad that giving a sense of what is happening at MSIA, PTS, IIWP, and Heartfelt was informative and helpful.

Please continue to hold the Light for the Spanish version of the MSIA app.  The beta testing is going really well to prepare it for the launch.   We’ll let you know as soon as it is ready for action!

Lots going on with Windermere these days.  Ranch manager Milo Page shared about the Windermere guest house at the recent minister’s meeting.  The bunkhouse, as it is known, is an absolutely gorgeous space that looks out over the Pacific Ocean and the Channel islands off of Santa Barbara.  J-R and the Traveler’s energy is there and available, as it is everywhere, but it’s a very special place to invite you to visit.   Windermere is accepting overnight guests.  You can email to us if you’d like to visit and stay overnight.

Milo also shared that two wonderful IIWP events are coming up this month. The first one is a Fun-Raiser for Windermere on October 23 in celebration of John Morton’s birthday.   It is sold out for in-person attendance, but available online for everyone.   It’s a Windermere fundraiser as there are a lot of really exciting projects and features to support.  We would love your involvement and participation online.  The second event Windermere with the Traveler is taking place at Windemere Ranch on October 31st.  It’s a picnic with a John Morton question and answer seminar and a labyrinth blessing.  It’s going to be a beautiful day.  There is limited capacity in-person.  If you are interested, please click here to sign up.  It’s filling up quickly.

Certainly, Windermere is vibrating with energy and with love and with Traveler energy.   And October is apparently Windermere month!

Jeffrey Morgan presented a terrific new way to introduce people to the teachings of MSIA.   Anna Sugai and Jeffrey have been working behind the scenes for many months to create this new offering for people interested in the teachings to experience what MSIA is all about.

Here is an edited transcript of Jeffrey’s talk at the ministers meeting:

Hi everybody. I’m excited to share with you what we’re calling our seeker pathway. It’s a combination of a new website called Soul and a new online platform for new folks to share in a private social network, a private environment forum, if you will.  I want to share with you some high-level intentions behind this new portal so you have some context when you share it with folks interested in MSIA.

Also, if you are an established student in the MSIA community, please don’t try to join the platform as a member.  We’re really trying to leave that space for new people. This does not in any way mean to exclude you.  In fact, on the contrary, we would love your help.  We need more content and facilitators to support the platform, so we welcome and need your involvement.  You can reach out to Anna Sugai in the MSIA Connect team if you’d like to volunteer, help to facilitate, or put content on the platform.

With this new site, we wanted to create a kind of landing place for new folks.  Sort of taking a step back before I dive into the website, we were faced with an interesting challenge.  We have a wonderful website in and that it has all of the stuff that we do in written form documented in one place. But we’ve started to put ourselves in the shoes of a new person and thinking, it’s kind of like going to a giant Costco wholesale retail store when you’ve never even been to a small grocery store before.  You know there’s all this good stuff, but it can be a bit of a sensory overload.  We wanted to challenge ourselves to kind of go the opposite direction to offer a kind of a smooth landing, a smooth entry point for new folks.

What that means is we wanted to use less content, but more essential content — to offer things that were kind of nonverbal communications of what we do.  MSIA is a mystery school, so there’s a lot of symbolism in what we do. There’s a lot of implied meaning and we didn’t want to just give away the punchline.  We looked at what if we did a website that was a kind of a stepping stone and it really is designed just to kind of intrigue and titillate and get the person interested in that next step, which would be engaging in the online community that we’ve already been in the process of building through MSIA Connect and Soul Transcendence 365.

All of the content on is taken directly from J-R. We’re not actually referencing the Traveler as a person or any kind of names like that. This site is really focused on just Soul Transcendence as a specific cross section that will lead to the platform where we will talk about John Morton, obviously, and John-Roger.

The idea is that people will look at the initial message about knowing that there’s more out there and if they want to get started they can sign up to begin the journey that will take them to a page that gives them next actions to take.  Otherwise, they can keep starting to explore downward on the home page.

The central messages with headings are user-friendly aid for navigation of the site, but the content is all J-R, and you can click on any of these, and it’ll take you to the “Learn More” page if people want more information. When they get to the bottom, they’ll see a beautiful image of the HU connecting to the golden thread, and they’ll be prompted to either Learn More, which will give them more information, or jump straight to next actions.

In the Learn More page it is more of a deep dive into some central themes about what we do at MSIA — the idea that there’s a greater reality present and that it’s all around us, that we’re a Soul, that we’re divine. Again, all of this content coming from J-R.   By the way, if you read any of this and know a better J-R quote or a better something else, we’re going to be doing future releases of the websites and would love your input.  Don’t feel like this is fixed in stone. If you have an idea for a J-R quote you’d like to use, please submit it to or any other feedback to make this better.  We’ll be doing ongoing releases.

We have a few video elements, but it’s very much focused on understanding the aspect, and less about an individual person or anything like that. We also have an explanation obviously, of the Mystical Traveler. And so again, we’re honing in on just those critical elements of understanding what it is to participate in and practice Soul Transcendence.

Once they’ve gotten to the bottom of the website page, they will have had a bit more information and will be prompted again on how to get started. We heard feedback from different folks who came into the Movement later in the game saying that all they really needed was step one, step two, step three, step four. And so this is exactly what we’re giving them.

We created this really nifty way to sign up for Discourses, and how to start spiritual exercises. We show J-R demonstrating where to find the Tisra Til, and J-R explaining the levels of Light and getting initiation to the different levels. We explain how to write a letter of intent to John Morton if you want to study towards initiation. And then people are prompted to next actions.

One thing I also wanted to call out is we have volunteers who are manning a chat screen. So if people get stuck or confused, they can always ask a question and a volunteer will provide some guidance to help. Additionally, there’s a few other informational elements, but I think a really exciting part is you can book time, with the volunteer, you don’t have to email, you can just book a time online and you get a link to have a call with an individual team member who can give you information about next steps and where to go from here.

I don’t know if I’ve conveyed it enough, but this is really designed to be that smooth landing into the richness of what we do.  From this journey, we can easily introduce the existing MSIA website and PTS classes.  It all becomes very seamless.

I hope you enjoyed this preview and, hopefully this makes you kind of comfortable about sharing this with your friends — A lot of this is what we’ve built this entire community on, which is word of mouth and referrals. So we’re not thinking that people would find this website just on Google. Maybe they would, but a lot of it is going to come from folks like you just saying, that this is a really smooth, seamless and easy way to share about what we do. And you can just give them the URL and say, “Hey, take a look at this. You’re going to like this.”

So there you go. That’s the story on the new website.

These are really exciting times for making the teachings available.   We are really grateful for what Jeffrey Morgan and Anna Sugai have put into this.  It was a lot of work to refine it over the last year or so.

As always, please join us in placing it all in the Light for the Highest Good. And thank you for standing together in God’s Light, love and Sound, sharing the grace of the Traveler’s teachings throughout the world.

The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark.

1 thought on “MSIA Presidency Update – October 2021”

  1. This is really great information and a demonstration on how to more effectively communicate with millennials and Gen Zer’s.

    What came crystal clear to me is my experience after taking a few Insight seminars in the 80’s and 90’s and then finding out how to make a smooth landing into MSIA back then – and – who you met along the way – before the internet came into creation. It was all in person ‘word of mouth’.

    Actually, all along you were gathering information, step by step by step – and unknowingly to you – ‘That Which Is’ is drawing you in to learn more about your higher-level and intentions through the portals of Spirit.

    The blessing in all of this is – where one might get stuck on the word level – in sharing about MSIA – its all beautifully laid out in one place to learn more about essential content.

    Thank you for your service and dedication.

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