
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

April 30, 2004

I am clear that we all have a greater opportunity to dissolve any separation we allow between ourselves and whatever we judge about ourselves or others. We need to be more willing to stop the violence that is initiated first toward the negative images and expressions we perceive in others. It is the thoughts that are held and reinforced that then become manifest. I am sure we are dealing with many years and lifetimes of buildup. Yet we always have a fresh opportunity to not have past transgressions take up residence.

John Morton, DSS
It seems that in the negative experiences of our physical existence, most of us lose our sense of connection to Soul or to Spirit; we lose our sense of being an intimate part of God. In the midst of feeling hurt and angry and upset, it is easy to forget. When we are struggling to get through each day, to compete in the world, to achieve some level of success, to protect and take care of ourselves and our families, it is so easy to forget that we are of God and loved by God.

John-Roger, DSS

April 28, 2004

Some people are sharp enough to watch other people having experiences and learn from them. We call it vicarious functioning. We can learn from them. This is when we have to be students in a big way.

John-Roger, DSS
If the husband comes home and his wife is quiet, he can check to see if anything's wrong that they need to talk about. He can let her know he loves her and that he cares. If you and your spouse take care of each other in a total, loving consciousness, then neither one can ever go anywhere that will be better than home.

John-Roger, DSS
The temptation to focus on the negative of this level is very strong. However, with the inner support that comes from doing spiritual exercises and other spiritual practices, people are re-directing their focus to going back home to God.

John-Roger, DSS
Take the time to prepare yourself in a listening state; then you may be able to hear the Sound Current. On that hearing, you will turn into it. There you will find the Mystical Traveler. It resides on that - is that - is truly the Sound as it ushers forward through time. That's why I've said we go up through the Mystical Traveler consciousness, we go up through the Light, we go up through the Sound - all the same thing. We move to where that is inside of us as the pearl of great price, as the kingdom of heaven, as all the allegorical statements about God residing in us.

John-Roger, DSS
It is easy to lose track of the Soul in the negativity of the world. When someone cuts you off in traffic or steals your parking space, how do you find loving and peace? When a spouse, a parent, or a child dies, how do you choose loving and compassion rather than anger and bitterness? These are true challenges. When you flunk a test or get fired from your job, when your wife or husband leaves you, when someone steals your money or beats you up, what is the relevance of the Soul? I believe the relevance of the Soul is that it stands as a reference that there is more than the physical world. There is a greater reality. It stands as a reference for loving, for peace, and for the eternal choice we have to seek a higher expression and experience. It stands as a reference point that our true home lies beyond this level of glamour and illusion.

John-Roger, DSS

April 23, 2004

I find that the burden of the Lord is light and easy. So when we keep our eyes upon and follow the Lord, then the process is light and easy even with whatever challenges are part of the process. It's a way of knowing that the fruit tells the nature of the tree.

John Morton, DSS
When you hear information being presented to you, place the Light between you and the speaker, as a channel for clear communication. Close your eyes for just a second and ask, "If the information I am hearing is not true for me, I would like to be shown this in a clear way. And if this information is right for me, I would like to experience the presence of the Light and Spirit within me in an uplifting way." You will get feedback from Spirit if you ask for clarification in this way. You may feel goose pimples, warmth, or a chill around the top of your head. You may feel a lift in energy. You may feel a sensation or pulsation in your forehead. There are many ways that Spirit might signal you of its presence. If the situation is not right for you, you may get very restless and feel compelled to leave, or get sleepy and drift off for a few minutes. You will have your answer, and you will know it. This is one way to decide the validity - for you - of what you hear.

John-Roger, DSS
Maintain your loving just a little while longer than you think you need to. Then you are becoming master of yourself. When you try to master someone else, you haven't mastered yourself. You become a taker. Then you are out of your center of love, for loving is a giving action.

John-Roger, DSS