
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You are blessed, you are loved because you are divine.

John-Roger, DSS

August 24, 2003

Crazy keeps you from going insane and it's God's way of getting you to crack up, as in smile and laugh.

John Morton, DSS
If you have a negative thought, love the idea of having a negative thought. That is the way to turn a stumbling block into a stepping-stone. Or, you can say, "I don't have to travel that path," and then you don't. Instead, you can let love lead you in another direction.

John-Roger, DSS
Do you want your child to grow up to be a nurturing, caring, supportive human being? Children learn through imitation.

John-Roger, DSS
Many levels are changeable. People say, "You changed your mind." That is why you have a mind; so you can change it. That is why you practice changing, so you can change when it is necessary. If you try to hold to a static position, you may find out that in your strength of trying to be self-determined and not bending even the slightest bit, you crack and fall. Then you cry out in pain and suffering. If you have the wit to see a tornado coming and get out of the way, you will survive. It can become difficult when you say, "I'm just going to stay right in the middle of this wind. I don't care how hard it's blowing. I'll be strong." When you find you cannot withstand it, you come back again and again, learning to bring yourself into the flow of life. It is important.

John-Roger, DSS
Do all things in God's name. That will be your wise choice.

John-Roger, DSS

August 19, 2003

The reality is that things are what they are, and that all conditions can serve as a process toward peace.

John Morton, DSS
As you learn about God, those things that were mysteries to you become clearer. Because there is nothing that is not God, as you begin to know God, you know all things. All becomes One.

John-Roger, DSS
You have the right to direction. In fact, once you let love lead, it is your duty. If you don't perform this duty, then the consequences lead you. Consequences are your reaction instead of your action.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace, happiness, and love represent the inner world. As you tune to that inner world, you may begin to experience peace. The emotions subside; the mind becomes quieter. You may feel the Spirit touch you; you may hear a voice whisper, "Peace, be still." You will know that you are awakening to your true self more and more.

John-Roger, DSS