
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

What types of deceit can we express as individuals? We can express the deceit of emotion when someone asks, "Do you love me?" And you say, "Yes," even though you might not love them at that particular time. That's deceit. Maybe you wonder, would it be any better to say, "No, I don't love you right now," knowing that will upset them, than to say, "Yes, I do," knowing that you will love them later on? There's a good chance that, if you don't love them, even when you say you do love them, they know you don't. They might respect you more if you'd say, "No, not right now, I don't love you. I think you're the biggest stinker in the whole world. But give me twenty minutes because I'm working on it. I loved you before this, and I'm sure once I get over this irritation, I'll love you again." That's being honest.

John-Roger, DSS
The way you learn to hold spiritual energy is just to keep doing it and doing it and doing it. In the beginning, it may seem like you can't hold the energy for very long, and that's to be expected. As you continue working with the tones, you'll be able to hold a little longer and a little longer. And as you can hold the energy for a longer period, more energy will come in. Then there will be another shift as you learn to handle more. It's a continuous process - continuous growth. And being able to hold the spiritual energies is really a great, great blessing.

John-Roger, DSS
Sometimes children let their imaginations run away from them, and you have screaming children on your hands for no apparent reason. Explain to them how the imagination works, that they create pictures and images, and that, if they want to, they can create happy pictures.

John-Roger, DSS
The Spiritual Warrior is purposeful. Not serious, but with purpose regarding what we are doing here. The religious path is serious, and the spiritual path is sincere - and is filled with joy and laughter.

John-Roger, DSS
If you have established peace within your own consciousness, no one can take it from you. They won't even be able to find it, and they certainly won't be able to dislodge it.

John-Roger, DSS

August 04, 2002

There is something truly wonderful that goes on when we worship: You are placing yourself before the One that you would most want to be with and see and know and hear and touch - to come into that Presence and move beyond the world in consciousness.

John Morton, DSS
Have you ever noticed that negativity strikes primarily in the area of your weakness? It rarely tests you in the field of your strength because in that type of showdown, it will lose. The negative forces have a kind of intelligence that will instinctively go for your weak areas. Just about the time you think you've really got an area mastered, the Kal or negative power comes in to make sure you've mastered it. If you have, you're free. If you haven't, you find yourself still bound by the laws of the lower worlds. Even when you pass the tests and prove your spiritual strength, you have to continually exercise those strengths in order to maintain them.

John-Roger, DSS
There do need to be guidelines in any family, whether it's just husband and wife or whether there are also children involved. It should be understood by everyone that the guidelines are there to protect and assist, not to restrict.

John-Roger, DSS
He wins who endures to the end. It doesn't matter what you think, what your lifestyle is, what you eat, what you drink - none of that. What matters is where you are going with your attitude and what thoughts you hold in your mind and consciousness. Where are you going with them? That's the question that you have to deal with. And that's the question that deals with you.

John-Roger, DSS
If the conscious mind is in the habit of starting a project and leaving it before it is completed, then starting another and leaving it half finished, then starting something else, etc., the subconscious may still be attempting to complete each unfinished project to fulfill that which was started. But without the cooperation of the conscious self, the subconscious cannot seem to complete; it cannot accomplish. And it will feel betrayal and deceit. It is important that you do not have too many irons in the fire. The subconscious cannot handle that. Complete the projects you begin, fulfill the commitments you have made, live up to your promises - then both your subconscious and conscious selves can have success, which leads to a feeling of fulfillment, worthiness and oneness.

John-Roger, DSS