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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Do you get the idea that spiritual exercises also have a lot of joy and fun and upliftment to them? Their premise is uplifting. The end result here is upliftment, joy, expansion. The end result is at-one-ment with God.

John-Roger, DSS
Imagine cooperating with Spirit to such a degree that everything you do helps you and helps others, so that you never hurt yourself or anyone else, so that you use everything - I mean everything - for your advancement. If you focus first on your spiritual advancement, then all things "on earth as in heaven" can come to you. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, . . . and all these things shall be added unto you." [Matthew 6:33 (King James Version)] The priorities are clear, and the process of manifestation is built in.

John-Roger, DSS

March 02, 2002

And let us conduct our lives that we become friends - friends of the Lord - and friends to one another who love in the way of the Lord.

John Morton, DSS
If you are going to partake fully in the blessings, then trusting is essential. You can trust that the conditions in your life right now are on the straight and narrow, rather than thinking, "Oh, I made a big mistake," or "This cannot be on my path," or "This cannot be God's blessing manifesting." The blessing comes when you accept, endure, and appreciate all conditions as somehow part of the great perfection for you on your path of awareness toward God.

John Morton, DSS
We're here with what we've got, with what we know, with what we've got to work with, and there's no need to blame anybody, including our parents. What's amazing is, none of us had perfect parents. And none of our parents had perfect children.

John-Roger, DSS

February 27, 2002

Question: Many times when I think of you, I will send you the Light or say, "God bless you" to myself. Does this help you in any way? Answer: Yes, it sure does. Thoughts are transmitted over long distances and we are affected on many different levels by them. Sending the thought "I love you" or "God bless you" can work wonders, and I appreciate it when you send those words to me.

John-Roger, DSS

February 26, 2002

You are at the threshold of your knowingness; now it's just a matter of moving into that knowingness. You are at the threshold of beingness; it's your choice when to move into that. You may stay on the threshold for many, many years. Or you may move into your knowingness right now. It's difficult to make that step into knowingness, into beingness, unless you are willing to commit totally to yourself, to the Soul that is YOU. And it is difficult to commit to that discovery if you split your energies into various pursuits and paths.

John-Roger, DSS

February 25, 2002

For those of us who know that we are of God, the responsibility is to live in love and to be loving in all that we do. By our consciousness, we can lift the planet - just by being present and by the energy of Spirit that is manifesting through us.

John-Roger, DSS
If you want to move past whatever situation you are in, simply let go, and then direct yourself into the kind of situation you would like. If you want more admiration, make sure that the things you are doing are admirable to the people you are around. If you do not know what those things are, then ask. If you do not want to do what they say, go find people who are admiring what you want to be doing. If that means that you need to change and you do not want to change, then you had better get busy being happy in the situation you are in.

John Morton, DSS
The keys to realization are in the Mystical Traveler consciousness - not in the words that are spoken or written, but in the consciousness itself. The verbal or written level is just a part of the ten-percent physical manifestation. Ninety percent of your beingness lives in the invisible levels around and within you. The spiritual levels go on and on. They are infinite and eternal. Because you don't perceive them doesn't mean they aren't present. You don't perceive radio waves until you turn on the radio. In a similar way, you may not be aware of Spirit until you have an instrument to tune into it. You have that instrument - you are that instrument. But you may not have tuned yourself to receive Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS