
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

September 05, 2001

Question: How do I work with my unawareness to bring in more awareness? Answer: You have to find out when and under what circumstances you go into unawareness. If you go unaware doing spiritual exercises lying down, sit up. If you do it sitting, do your s.e.'s standing up. Then if you go unaware, you'll experience falling and that will wake you up in a hurry. It will bring in the awareness. Each time, you'll invade the unawareness more and more with your conscious awareness. You'll be keeping yourself more aware as you move into those areas of sleep. This is also part of the value of recording your dreams. The act of bridging the inner levels from the night travel into this physical level strengthens and expands your awareness into areas that were previously unavailable to you consciously. The bridging of the inner and outer consciousness is of great value when you start to bring back awarenesses from your travels in the "high country."

John-Roger, DSS
This place inside of you is a place of silence, a place of utmost simplicity, as you breathe in and out with God. Know that you are always doing this breathing with God, and God is breathing with you. Open your conscious awareness for greater knowing of God than ever before. Experience the ease of God's breath in you, the ease that is actually around you in the world, even with all the complications and difficulties. With whatever pain and struggle that are present in the world now or are yet to come, God's breath is always easy.

John Morton, DSS
I think a lot of people have personalized Jesus Christ in very strange ways. I don't care to do that. I just know that he's the Lord of love. I know that God is love, and I know that if I stay in that as much as I possibly can, any time and day, I'm okay. If I move out of that, I'm still striving to be back in that at any given time. I'm still okay; I just didn't have what was necessary to do it at a greater rate or level or percentage. That's all it says to me. I don't condemn myself because I haven't been condemned. And I know that is so because I'm still being given opportunity.

John-Roger, DSS
Where do you go to find God? Go wherever God is.

John-Roger, DSS
There is a natural grieving process that goes on when someone you care for leaves this earthly plane. They are going to a far greater place. Those left behind need to deal with their sense of loss, and there are many ways to do this. A good suggestion would be to do free-form writing on a regular basis, giving you a place to express all the emotions and thoughts connected with the person who has died. You can also write to me, and either burn or mail the letter. As you write the letter, you are allowing me to work with you on the spiritual levels, and I do what I can to assist. Burning (or mailing) the letter helps you release it from your consciousness. Physical activity is also helpful, and doing service can assist you by allowing you an avenue through which your loving and caring for others can flow.

John-Roger, DSS
You experience love to become love. You experience Light to become Light.

John-Roger, DSS
You are embraced in God's love.

John Morton, DSS
Your expression in spiritual exercises permits the Mystical Traveler's support to enter where needed.

John-Roger, DSS
Your inability to control your "problems" can bring despair. Then you start getting depressed and go down in your consciousness into feelings of, "Nobody loves me, nobody cares; woe is me; I'm no good." You go into these expressions because you feel you can't control what's going on in your environment. You can control yourself (attitude) within your inner environment, but you cannot control your outer environment.

John-Roger, DSS
Your impatience is distracting you from your here-and-now life. You don't do anything with impatience. You just observe it.

John-Roger, DSS