
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Question: Can the upliftment of consciousness lessen the severity of earthquakes and other physical changes? Answer: If the consciousness awakens to the love of the Divine and actuates this by expressions of consideration and care (to each other and this planet), then, yes, nature can be positively affected. When the consciousness uplifts sufficiently and people act out of empathy rather than greed, human beings will cease to do those things that bring imbalance to the natural conditions. Earthquakes and other physical changes are but balancing actions.

John-Roger, DSS
People seem to have been taught to choose rejection. That is the amazing nature of this earth's school, and too many of us have been docile students. Of course, we can also choose not to choose rejection, but that takes a little more individuality. We can choose to bypass rejection and go for acceptance and unconditional loving.

John-Roger, DSS
You are in this Holy Breath of God. In each moment, renew your faith. Renew your faith in this moment. Take this moment to rededicate yourself to God's love and doing God's will through you into this world and into all your choices into the worlds to come. You are renewing your holy sacrament to become one with God.

John Morton, DSS
Perhaps you can see now why you don't have time to do anything other than focus on your purpose or intention. If anything else matters to you, this is an opportunity to see what that is. As a Spiritual Warrior you do not have time to waste. Of course, as a regular human being you have as much time as you want. Humans prefer to focus on the uncertainty of their life and worry about it, rather than look at the one thing that is certain: Death.

John-Roger, DSS
The Spirit is always NOW, always present. When you are most aware of it, you are also wholly present, at one with the Spirit within. Those are the moments when Spirit is most mobile within you, and you are able to most clearly identify yourself as an extension of the divine.

John-Roger, DSS
The inner reality of Spirit will always be better than the outer manifestation.

John Morton, DSS
Even in your darkest moment, you are still in the body of God, a portion of Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
True wisdom lies in accepting your responsibility now, instead of waiting for time to change things, to correct things, to prove you are right.

John-Roger, DSS
Spirit is the source of inspiration within you.

John Morton, DSS
Instead of telling your child, "Go clean up your room so Mommy will love you," or "Clean up your room so Daddy will be proud of you," tell them, "Clean up your room because I want you to." That's honest, and it's reasonable.

John-Roger, DSS