
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

My dedication is that no matter what the condition, I love.

John Morton, DSS
Talents are those things that are creative and have Spirit in them. Your scheming and conniving come out of your lower self, and they have negativity and the Kal power in them. Don't kid yourself. Once you've lied to yourself, you can lie to the rest of the world with great ease. But you won't be able to live with yourself because you won't know who is lying to you, since if you lie to yourself, you'll surely think others will, also.

John-Roger, DSS
Being of service is a matter of doing with no other thought in mind except that of freely doing. The freedom is in serving under any condition, past conditioned feelings and ego.

John-Roger, DSS
Look at a situation that is currently bothering you, and ask yourself these questions: What situation blocks or challenges me? What is the illusion in that situation? What is the truth that I can act upon in that situation? Close your eyes and use the Sword of Truth, the Sword of the Heart, to cut away the illusion. (If you need to forgive yourself first, do that.) When you feel free of the blocking situation, open your eyes. The idea is to be clear with yourself and to cut away from you that which is dead, and is no longer needed. Now take a moment to see if there is any quantitative difference inside you and to examine your intention or intent. It is important to realize that this intent is your purpose. It is amazing how many people do not have purpose in their life. They have some reasons, but they do not have a purpose. I am referring to "purpose" as being that all-consuming thing, like your next breath of air. There is no way you can't take it, no way you can't do it. That is purpose.

John-Roger, DSS
You can control yourself (attitude) within your inner environment, but you cannot control your outer environment. The sun is coming up tomorrow whether you like it or not. You might say, "I know that; who would try to control that?" That's an extreme example, yes. But many times it is helpful to take things far out so that you can perceive more clearly that which is close.

John-Roger, DSS
The highest consciousness sees the good in all things. That is its nature. When you are not seeing things that way, move. Shift your focus. Seek the good, and surely the good and, even more, the highest good that is the Divine will be added unto you until you know the blessings are present.

John Morton, DSS
There's only one key. There's only one law -- and that is the law of loving.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: I don't seem to remember my dreams. Will this block my spiritual progress? Answer: Probably not. If a dream is really important, you'll generally remember it. There are a lot of dreams that aren't important to remember, although they might assist you if you do learn to bring the memory back. There are several techniques that are helpful in remembering. Probably the most effective thing to do is to write down the dreams that you do remember. Keep a journal. As you attune yourself to your dreaming, you'll start to remember more.

John-Roger, DSS
You need to make peace with everyone in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) The Word is the energy of God existing in pure Sound. It is the essence. It is the audible Lifestream and Lightstream.

John-Roger, DSS