
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

As a Spiritual Warrior, I am only doing the things that bring me closer to the Lord regardless of any distractions that may present themselves.

John-Roger, DSS
Be honest with your children. If you lie to your child, you forfeit the greatest trust a child has.

John-Roger, DSS
Peace is present.

John-Roger, DSS

August 27, 2002

Spirit is the one doing it, and you allow it to be done. You let go. And the more completely you let go, the more completely you're letting God fulfill the spiritual promise in you.

John Morton, DSS
When situations in your life become difficult or painful, you may lose track of the fact that Spirit is still present in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
Keep in mind that things are not always what they appear to be. If your husband comes home from work, barely mumbles "Hello," and then turns on the TV, don't jump to the conclusion that he's upset with you or doesn't love you. Check it out. Ask him if he's upset. Ask him if he's had a bad day at the office. Rub his shoulders. Let him know you care. Love him. But if he wants to be left alone, leave him alone. That can be love, too.

John-Roger, DSS
We can heal memories ourselves by going back in our mind and seeing where people did things to us that we didn't like. We can ask ourselves what we would have wanted them to do and then, in our creative imagination, see them doing that new behavior. If there is still a residue, we do it again. Is that a cop out? No, that's reality to heal the memory. Once it's healed, it's still there, but it's only a reference point. You haven't kidded yourself, but you're placing it so it does not control you or inflict on you. It is probably still there and probably still inflicting and still controlling, but not on you. You've healed it. We can do this every night before we go to bed. We review the day. If a disturbance comes to mind, we see how we would like it to have taken place, and we envision it that way.

John-Roger, DSS
Overcreation is an idea you might want to consider. To overcreate in any area causes you to go out of balance with yourself and those around you. You can learn to maintain your balance by creating in the areas of your need, not in the areas of your wants or desires. When you stay in the areas of your need, you find that you do not overcreate, that you establish better communication with yourself leading to greater fulfillment and happiness.

John-Roger, DSS
Many people are becoming aware of a fervent yearning for peace. We have the ability to make peace happen. We can put our focus, attention and loving into declaring peace instead of war with every choice we make. Do this, one small step at a time, one moment at a time.

John-Roger, DSS

August 21, 2002

There is a relationship between what is in the Spirit and what is in the world. The direction of the promise is into the Spirit, to go into the Spirit, not to come out of the Spirit or go away from the Spirit. When we realize that, then we wake up to that intention with God. We begin the process of fulfilling it and evolving into what it is. Just having a glimpse, a spark - any form of true knowledge - begins a progression into the Spirit.

John Morton, DSS