Week of 2024-05-06 - 2024-05-12

This is a challenge week. It's observation week -- this week will be a week of observation.

Take a good look at your life, and write down what game you find yourself in. Was it a physical game? Was it a sexual game? Was it an emotional game? Was it an intellectual game? Were you hung up on an opinion? Was it an emotional opinion or an intellectual opinion? Did somebody sit on their white horse up in the ivory tower with their degree and say, "Oh, are you all wrong," and you believed it? Write it down.

Check it out. Always check it out. Just because somebody says it, does not make it so. It only is so, when it's so inside of you. You don't have to get upset, you don't have to get angry or frustrated, you don't have to think they're right or they're wrong. You don't even have to enter into the game. And that's what really becomes fun.

