Oct 07, 2024
We have co-creatorship, so we are allowed to do something like opposition or contradiction to the loving. But if you really look in higher consciousness, allowing yourself the altitude of your wisdom and intelligence, you would see that it is loving that everything comes from. If we can see that or talk about it in this moment, then we are given the pleasure of that view. - John Morton, DSS (From: "The Power of Love," on the New Day Herald : https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/110622-the-power-of-love-2)
John Morton, DSSOct 01, 2024
At some level, you are asking for the power of love that is God. The fullness of what that is has already been given to you. How would you know it? We all would know it because we have faith and trust in what it is, no matter what the circumstances are. - John Morton, DSS (From: "The Power of Love," on the New Day Herald : https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/110622-the-power-of-love-2)
John Morton, DSSSep 24, 2024
We have all of what is necessary for the Soul to fulfill itself so that the negativity and the experience of the worlds of illusion eventually complete and return back to the nothingness from which they came. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSSSep 19, 2024
Consider that we are going to go into the heart of God, Soul Transcendence, and having that connection this lifetime. It's now because we are in this lifetime. There is a question from this Traveler, "Are you ready for the power of love that is the heart of God? Will you go into that with your consciousness and openness with whatever that would bring forward for you?" - John Morton, DSS (From: "The Power of Love," on the New Day Herald : https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/110622-the-power-of-love-2)
John Morton, DSSFeb 10, 2025
Observe your experience. Learn from your experience. Choose wisely. Repeat as necessary. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSFeb 03, 2025
Choose wisely, choose freely. All is here now. The Kingdom is opened unto you. - John Morton, DSS (From: "John Morton, DSS on the Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website: http://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/7827-john-morton-on-the-spiritual-promise)
John Morton, DSSJan 30, 2025
Shift how you process yourself, others and the conditions in your life so that you do what you do, they do what they do, things are the way they are and it's good enough for God's acceptance from His absolute need for perfection in everything, always, in all ways. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSJan 22, 2025
As we comfort with one another, we are comforted. As we give to one another, in that measure we are given unto. - John Morton, DSS (From: "John Morton, DSS on the Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website: http://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/7827-john-morton-on-the-spiritual-promise)
John Morton, DSSJan 18, 2025
Everything is perfect as it is. And everything can get better. That is an amazingly great creation we live in and when you really understand that you also realize you can relax. And even if you don't understand or realize how great your life really is, you can still relax. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSJan 11, 2025
When we realize that our true state cannot be conditioned, we know that the conditions have no power over the love and, also, no power over us because we are the love. About that point, we find no real difference between God and ourselves. If God was in the flesh, God would be doing what we're doing as unconditional loving. - John Morton, DSS (From: "The Choice to Love," on the New Day Herald website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/7687-the-choice-to-love)
John Morton, DSSJan 05, 2025
Be patient and show you are faithful by acting in good faith such that you are never given anything you cannot handle. So, you can find good, do good, and become ever greater good. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSDec 29, 2024
Remember God is your partner, the one and only partner you ever need. So do your part, and let go, relax, be at ease, as you let God. Practically this also means, you need to trust God as much as you would trust yourself which is 100%. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSDec 24, 2024
My worthiness starts moving me out of my body, beyond the physical. There are treasures in my worthiness, and I must move to where they are. I must move to that higher state. That's the worthiness we're working with in which we are worthy to be face to face with God, and share in all of God's creation. - John Morton, DSS (From: "John Morton, DSS on the Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website: http://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/7827-john-morton-on-the-spiritual-promise)
John Morton, DSSDec 17, 2024
Don't indulge in any negative process as that does not serve your learning and growth. When we wake up to the present opportunity, we naturally realize to move on to what does serve learning and growth and what works for us without judgment of our experiences. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSSDec 11, 2024
You are born of the Lord God and always in that love that is supreme and not spiritually attached to any conditionality. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSDec 05, 2024
God loves all of Its creation. So each and every moment of your experience is a gift for you to embrace in the divine and perfect progression of your Soul. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSSNov 29, 2024
We have all of what is necessary for the Soul to fulfill itself so that the negativity and the experience of the worlds of illusion eventually complete and return back to the nothingness from which they came. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSSNov 23, 2024
One of the primary messages in this movement of spiritual inner awareness is endure and to endure until the end. What end is that? When God verifies, when God confirms. How would we know that? God does it. So give it to God. God determines that moment. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSSNov 17, 2024
Where two or more are gathered in the Name, the Sound that is the Light, the Word of God, then the source that is the Light, the source that is God incarnate, is in your presence and all who are gathered in this Way, this Truth, this Love of God. - John Morton, DSS
John Morton, DSSNov 11, 2024
We can make any number of choices, but by far the one that always works is to embrace each experience in the perfection of God's will. The best choice is to use everything for what it brings up as higher awareness, as an intention towards manifestation of the greater good. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Your Soul's Progression," on the New Day Herald Website: https://www.msia.org/newdayherald/archives/2896-your-souls-progression)
John Morton, DSS