Events Calendar

PTS Graduate Commencement Ceremony—Conference of Celebration

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles

The Spiritual Director, President, Administration, Faculty, and the Graduating Class of Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy cordially invite you to attend the two thousand twenty four Graduate Commencement Ceremony honoring and celebrating our newest Doctor of Spiritual Science, Master of Spiritual Science and Transcendent Leadership Program Graduates. Come be inspired and lifted by the accomplishments and energy of our grads.

Gathering of Peacemakers—Conference of Celebration

Peace Awareness Labyrinth 3500 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles

Receive grace, come into fellowship, and share the peace that is already present. Keeping in mind John-Roger’s nine magic words: “I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still”, participate with us in a place of peace, to give in loving service to the planet and ourselves for the highest good.