Events Calendar

A Meditation Evening

This evening is designed to facilitate the experience of inner awakening and to support you in your journey towards greater awareness of your divine nature. It is a time for personal introspection, reflection, and connection with the divine within and around us.

Building the Strength of Spirit Workshop

Sir Stamford Hotel 93 Macquarie St, Sydney, Australia

It’s one thing to know that you are a Soul and as one with God, it’s another to have ways of experiencing that. This workshop provides practica techniques you can use to make this awareness more of a living reality in your daily life.

Ministers & Initiates Meeting Sydney

Sir Stamford Hotel 93 Macquarie St, Sydney, Australia

To be an initiate of the Mystical Traveler is to devote yourself to the God within you, to devote yourself to Spirit, to returning to your home, the Soul Realm, from which you originally came before you incarnated onto this earth. John-Roger, DSS


Sir Stamford Hotel 93 Macquarie St, Sydney, Australia

Would you like to experience being showered with blessings? That’s what happens non-stop for hours in the BlessingsFest. It’s a Traveler marathon that leaves you knowing you’ve been blessed, that you are blessed, that the blessings truly already are.

Momentum: Letting Love Lead

Discover simple and practical techniques to get more in touch with your heart and let your love lead

Manifesting the Traveler’s Joy

18 First Ave Cockatoo, Vic, Australia

It’s been said that joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God (which explains a lot about our Travelers).

Peace is Present Workshop with John Morton (Sydney, Australia)

Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park 161 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Whales, Australia

Join us as we explore how to find peace under any circumstance. Learn how peace is always present when we go to the place inside where peace resides.

Joy, Fun, Laughter Workshop with John Morton (Sydney, Australia)

Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park 161 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Whales, Australia

J-R says: The soul resides in a happy state, a happy, detached state. You can mock up this thing that you could call a portable paradise and then you start moving with it.

Ministers Meeting and Initiates Meeting with John Morton (Sydney, Australia)

Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park 161 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Whales, Australia

​ Ministers Meeting The Traveler created ministers meetings as an opportunity for MSIA ministers to gather, clear any “junk” we may have picked up as we have ministered in the world, and fill our cup so we can give of the overflow when we enter into service. Ministers meetings also provide the opportunity for fellowship […]

BlessingsFest with John Morton (Sydney, Australia)

Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park 161 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Whales, Australia

​Would you like to experience being showered with blessings? That’s what happens non-stop for hours in the BlessingsFest.