Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

As you increase your awareness of now, look at the level of your emotions. You have no responsibility to past feelings or probable future feelings. Your responsibility is to now.

John-Roger, DSS
One of the great questions is, "Is this my level of concern?" I am asking the God consciousness. It's also called "The highest good". Is this my level of concern? If it is, I just realize it is up to me.

John Morton, DSS
We don't have the ideal human, we have no reference for judging ourselves or others. We may have biblical statements about an ideal human, but we don't really know what that is because we have no direct, physical experience of one. But still, we may beat ourselves in the head with our fantasy or idea of what the ideal human is. That's just lying to ourselves.

John-Roger, DSS
No one in this world is going to hand you anything; the world is not designed for that. You may undergo trials of illusion and forms of behavior modification, but at some point your consciousness will be connected to the Light and Sound of God.

John-Roger, DSS
So many times, people find themselves stuck in the glamour of love, thinking it is the pure love they have been seeking. Unconditional love is not found in any outer form; you must first go to your Soul where pure love resides and then be silent. In that silence, you can change the course of your life and determine where you're going.

John-Roger, DSS
When you are just processing and observing and doing, the Spirit can more easily move in with you. Because, remember, if you judge, you are judging Spirit and its law. Because Spirit is noninflictive, it stands outside, in its law, as you judge and hold a barrier against it. When you release the barrier, Spirit is more than anxious to be united with your own spirit.

John-Roger, DSS
It's a good idea to set your life up to keep progressing in each moment and to bring yourself up to now: "Where am I? I'm up to right now. God is good. Life is great. God bless us all." It's like Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, and a Happy New You - all in that moment, all right there. Then you look at people in the eye and you feel good.

John-Roger, DSS

March 08, 2024

Let's consider that the reality we're in now is full and overflowing. It's not an exception. It's a reality of what's taking place spiritually always.

John Morton, DSS
When you judge, you come under the law of Moses - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. When you are judging, you are really saying, "I'm judging the law," and if you are judging the law, you're judging the Creator of the law. At that moment, you cast yourself into "sin" because you have missed the mark of understanding what that's all about.

John-Roger, DSS
You have a duty to your employer. They have invested themselves with you, trusted you to carry out a job. Your dharma is to hold that trust sacred and to do all you can to complete the job correctly.

John-Roger, DSS