Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Question: How can I know if I'm following my "purpose"? For instance, if God looked down at me, would He say, "Yeah, she's doing my will - she's doing what she should be doing." Or would He say, "She's just messing around. Won't she ever learn?" Answer: If you are out of balance emotionally, mentally, financially or sexually, you are not doing what you've come here to do. This is something you can use as a guideline to let you know if you're "in line" with God's will or being "will-full." We are given the tools of the emotions and the mind to help guide us through our journey on this planet. When you experience an imbalance in any of these areas, that is an indicator that something is not quite right. A common response is to try to change your mind or "stuff" the emotions. But if you learn to listen and heed the signals being given, you can bring yourself back onto the path you have chosen and have greater abundance and freedom in your life.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul is your truest reality.

John-Roger, DSS

March 28, 2002

Part of my work is to tell you that it is in your own best interest to live in honesty. Be honest with yourself; be honest with others. Live by the laws. Live by the rules that are a part of your immediate environment. Fulfill the agreements that you make with yourself and with other people around you. Fulfill your agreement to your family, your employers and employees, your friends, your landlord, your doctor, your dentist, your creditors, etc. When you fulfill the obligations that you have agreed to, you'd be surprised at the freedom you manifest in your life. When these levels are clear, the energy that you are able to focus into your spiritual exercises becomes extremely powerful. When you are free on these lower levels, you can thrust more deeply into Spirit, because you will not be distracted by anything. Your focus and your direction become one-pointed and are hampered by nothing. You will experience a freedom, a joy and a soaring of Spirit such as you have never imagined.

John-Roger, DSS

March 27, 2002

Out of God come all things and we're part of God's creation. God loves all of Its creation and not one of you will be lost. . . . Because God can't lose Itself.

John-Roger, DSS

March 26, 2002

We refer to service as the highest consciousness on the planet because it describes the nature of what happens to those who have converted themselves to their Spirit: they become a consciousness who serves - without question, without condition, regardless.

John Morton, DSS
Choose wisely those with whom you are going to associate. Choose those people who are looking in the direction you want to go. Spend your time with people who are also keeping their eyes on the Lord.

John-Roger, DSS
A friend was having trouble getting her son to do chores. She'd tried everything she could think of - no results. She sat him in the corner and he spit on the wall. She finally told him that when he did his chores by a certain time, he could have a Popsicle. Close to that time, she took the Popsicle out of the freezer and set it on the sink. If he got the chores done in time, he got the Popsicle. If not, it melted. There were no second chances. Sometimes you have to be creative in your approach to discipline.

John-Roger, DSS
If you would take just five minutes a week, an "honest" five minutes, and sit down and say, "This time is between me and the Beloved," just five minutes where you say, "Beloved, I give you five minutes to do whatever you want; it is yours," and if you would do this without conditions and with the attitude that if the Beloved does nothing, that's fine - then for that five minutes a week, you could start the evolution in your life. How about five minutes a day? Oh my, you're really going to start going. Five minutes a day, thirty-five minutes a week. It won't take too long until you have what you already are: part of God-consciousness.

John-Roger, DSS
If you're really smart, you'll never attempt to own another human being. If you're married to them, you have to remember that you're married to a partner of God and that they belong to God and you're just borrowing them for a while; you also have to remember that you belong to God. That's what it boils down to. And if a child comes in, the child is also God's.

John-Roger, DSS

March 21, 2002

Keep doing good things like enjoying and appreciating your friends instead of wallowing in your lot. Like serving others in your work and good nature instead of wallowing in your lot. Like taking a moment to be with the Lord in all His benevolence and adoration for you instead of denying yourself as the negative power would have you do while wallowing in your lot.

John Morton, DSS