Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Regardless of the nature of each experience, always let it pass. It may surprise you to learn that people hang on to experiences by trying to analyze or understand. That just keeps the condition around by feeding it with your attention and energy. Just let it go.

John Morton, DSS
Dishonesty forfeits divine aid. We are co-creators with God. If you are not honest with yourself, you are not being honest with God and not allowing God to come to your aid. This applies on the spiritual levels (inner and outer), and it filters into the physical level. Put another way, if you are not honest with yourself, you are keeping God out of that part of you that you are being dishonest about. God says, "Sure, if you want to keep me out of there, that's fine with me. I'm in no rush." And God lets you have what you indicate you want - that thing you are protecting. Often, as soon as you are honest with yourself about it - and that means you just acknowledge, "Yes, that's there in me" - this allows it to start to move because you are no longer denying its existence.

John-Roger, DSS
The beauty of death is its freedom. What do you care what people think when you are dying? What do you care about success or failure? As you focus on your death, you will begin to focus on your priorities, on what is really important.

John-Roger, DSS

February 09, 2002

Many people wonder if they're picking up karma from being involved this closely with another person. The answer is yes, there is an exchange of certain karmic things between two people who are sexually involved. People often tell me that they don't want to pick up karma, yet they still want to be involved in sexual activity with another human being, feeling that this is part of their expression in the world. My suggestion is to find someone with a very bright spiritual Light who is moving toward God so there won't be too much difficulty in the relationship.

John-Roger, DSS
To send love and Light, all you have to say is, "I ask the Light to go for the highest good." Then if it's going to go, it will go. And if it's not going to go, and you try to force it by projecting really hard, it may just come back at you really hard and be more than you might want to handle. It's easy, again, just to say, "For the highest good," and let it go.

John-Roger, DSS
As your will and the Father's will become one, you enter into that quality of devotion that gives the credit to Spirit. You know that of yourself, you can do nothing. You say, "Father, here I am. This is your child. Whatever you have for me to do, I will do gladly, because I know I'm going to inherit all things. If I have to inherit the manure pile before I inherit the flower garden, so be it. Or if I inherit the flower garden and then the manure pile, that's okay, too. However you see it, Father, I'll abide by Thy will."

John-Roger, DSS

February 06, 2002

How, then, do we live in this world? How can we gain? What can our goal be? For God's sake, don't have a goal in this world. It's going to beat you bloody. Where is the goal? The goal is inside. When you turn back inside, you have your goal, you have your completeness, you have your fullness and you walk through the world, having all else added unto you.

John-Roger, DSS
Commitment really means that you both go for 100 percent loving. Don't expect perfection because it may not be available, and the paradox is that you still go for it. The best you'll end up with is excellence, and excellence in loving is almost totally fulfilling.

John-Roger, DSS
Negative conditions are there on purpose, and with learning and growth they serve a purpose that is divine.

John Morton, DSS
It is where the heart is that matters.

John-Roger, DSS