Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Perhaps you can see now why you don't have time to do anything other than focus on your purpose or intention. If anything else matters to you, this is an opportunity to see what that is. As a Spiritual Warrior you do not have time to waste. Of course, as a regular human being you have as much time as you want. Humans prefer to focus on the uncertainty of their life and worry about it, rather than look at the one thing that is certain: Death.

John-Roger, DSS
There is no ritual you must perform to become spiritual. There is no prescribed way you must behave to be spiritual. You are spiritual. You are a being of Spirit. It is your essence, your greatest reality.

John-Roger, DSS
A proof of learning is the ability to handle life's situations -- particularly the difficult ones -- more easily. A validation of your growth is that what was once a difficult situation has now become as easy as breathing -- just a matter of in and out, doing it until it's done, without the emotional charge that often creates resistance and limitation.

John-Roger, DSS
Whatever you think getting close to God is, do it. If you don't know where to look, look in your heart. Get close to your heart. Get close to who you are. If necessary, take time to do that, to find yourself, to maybe shake some of the false images you've adopted.

John Morton, DSS
In teaching flexibility, you teach your children how to win and lose. When they really know how to lose a game gracefully, they'll always be winners. Losing one game won't destroy their confidence or self-esteem. They'll handle it and go on to the next thing.

John-Roger, DSS
When the ego or personality looks at abundance, it sees quantity. The Soul views it differently. It sees quality.

John-Roger, DSS
My definition of sin is just a matter of missing the mark, of acting in ignorance. You have the opportunity to increase your awareness and, thus, bring an end to the ignorant behavior of previous generations. It starts with you as an individual.

John-Roger, DSS
If you try to work out yesterday or last week or last year from the position of NOW, you can't do it, and you experience lack. Bring everything up to date, to this moment. Then in this moment you can work it or dismiss it and create all things new.

John-Roger, DSS
Caring is a blessing that is an expression of loving. It's how loving makes itself known. It is a consciousness that allows another -- and yourself -- to be received in love. That's the consciousness of caring: It embraces through love, it touches in love, it speaks in love.

John Morton, DSS
What is the value of spiritual exercises? The value is in the result. Spiritual exercises are not the goal. They are the means to achieve the goal. The goal is Soul-awareness and God-awareness.

John-Roger, DSS