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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Even five minutes of devotion to spiritual exercises can be worth weeks of mechanical repetition. We're talking about putting yourself into the hands of God and walking with your hand in the hand of the Lord. Let that devotion of love flood through you into all that you deal with, and you'll be fine.

John-Roger, DSS
The beautiful thing about divine manifestation and abundance is that the potential is not restricted to any particular group of human beings. Regardless of which groups declare themselves elite or which groups interpret scripture to support their own particular Divinity to the exclusion of others, abundance through Spirit is available to all. As a matter of fact, claiming an elitist, exclusive right to divine energy can actually stop growth because containment and curtailment are in opposition to Spirit. Spirit is a constantly expansive, available energy that is not manipulated by interpretation, but is dynamically present. It is up to each individual to keep the channel open to receive of the blessings of abundance.

John-Roger, DSS

March 11, 2002

When you wrench and gnash your teeth, forgive and forget as soon as you can, NOW.

John Morton, DSS
Self-forgiveness is the key to the kingdom. It not only opens the door, it's the hinges on the door, it's the key to the door, and it's also the little bell that rings and lets you know the door opened. Self-forgiveness is not an act of contrition or penance as much as it is a profound, radical approach to yourself. It cannot be mimicked, and you cannot pretend. That's why it can help to get to the precision of it. If I hurt my mother's feelings and she is not here to apologize to, then I would forgive myself profoundly. I may say, "I would have liked her to be here, but since she is not, I forgive myself for any judgments I made on myself or my mother in that situation." And then I would sit and let that forgiveness and the intent of it sink in. It often just goes "click" inside, and if you are doing this along with me, you may say, "Yes, that just let go."

John-Roger, DSS

March 09, 2002

Question: If all things are happening according to the highest good and in perfect timing, why send the Light? Answer: Because Spirit cannot look at a plan to see if an alternate can be instituted unless requested from this level of Spirit. In the cosmic sense, taking all eternity into consideration, all things are ultimately for the highest good because not one Soul will be lost. But very few of us function at that cosmic, ultimate level. On this level where most of us function, all things don't necessarily happen for the highest good or in perfect timing. So it's always appropriate to send the Light - for the highest good (which is something God knows and we, on our personality levels, don't always know). Sending the Light for the highest good increases the positive energy in a situation and increases the likelihood that, rather than a not-so-high good, the highest good possible will take place.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul extends into the lower realms in order to experience the totality of God. Its purpose is, in essence, to experience. For the evolution of the Soul, experiences do not need to be repeated because the purpose of each experience is fulfilled with the completion of that experience. When you begin to work with the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, you often find your progression greatly speeded up. You may find yourself moving through many experiences and just letting them go as they complete themselves. There is less and less need to hang onto the old, more and more excitement with discovering what's next.

John-Roger, DSS

March 07, 2002

You are becoming totally aware and completely capable of maintaining multidimensional awareness. You are already in Soul Consciousness right now. You don't need to do anything except recognize it. You're there. You don't need a technique. You are the Light. You are divine. You are in a state of becoming aware of what you already are.

John-Roger, DSS

March 06, 2002

Walk the walk, and talk the talk with grace and ease. Because you can, and it is always a far superior way that leads to God and all His goodness.

John Morton, DSS
When you release your desire for something, your unhappiness goes. When you release the concern about what somebody else thinks about something, your concern about it goes. As you realize that you can't handle other people's lives, your worry about them goes. And when you realize that you can handle your life, your happiness increases.

John-Roger, DSS
When you fight with your spouse or your children, you fight with the God within them. Sometimes you want to fight your loved one awake and say, "I see so much love in you, and I just want to shake it loose!" Love them loose instead.

John-Roger, DSS