
New Day Herald

How Can I Better Handle Negativity?

Question:  How Can I Better Handle Negativity?

Answer:  In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, we say “Out of God comes all things” which includes negativity or things we experience as pain and suffering.  We also say, “God loves all of Its creation” so that’s acknowledging responsibility for the creation and that God’s response is loving, regardless of how the suffering has developed.   In MSIA, we introduce the soul as our primary reference point. We are souls having a human experience. So in the human experience there’s an aspect that we could consider  as negative.

What we call positive we relate to in ways that are beautiful, loving, peaceful, healthy, and happy. Usually the positive parts are those that people realize they like and want.  Nobody truly wants the negativity, and that reflects the intelligence of who we are.  We prefer the positive experiences.

I look at our soul as the one who is entirely intelligent, full of wisdom and resolution.  This is a movement of the soul that God created as a way to resolve the negativity such that it’s of no more interest.  We look to clear the negativity or karma so that it is resolved back into the nothingness from which it came.  We do this by loving it all and placing our concerns into the Light for the highest good.

The simplicity of MSIA is that once we declare our loyalty to our positive nature, our true self, then our willingness to move into the truth of who we are and our willingness to let go of the false nature, is at work.  We stop choosing what does not work and find the blessing.  We choose the blessings that are present and can become manifest.   We stop what does not serve who we are as a soul.  We become less attached to all things in the material world, and we move into our spiritual home which is our divine nature.

The challenge is often in the doing.  Doing the blessing may appear to be futile.  So there is another aspect to what we can do and that’s to let the One who can do it, do it for us.  Letting go and letting God is a process of surrender and doing our best to move into the primary aspect of our soul and that’s simple – God is love.  We do the love, and if we don’t know how to do the love, then we let go, and let the love of God do the love.  The most difficult moment may be when we choose to stop what we’re doing that doesn’t love.  It can be challenging to stop the part of us that has againstness even though we may experience pain and suffering.  So remember to ask for the Light and choose into your loving.

Let the loving flow.  What’s interesting about that is if you hate someone or something and you’re willing to let that negativity go, even if you think there is no way possible you could love that pain or suffering, then the love of God can come forward. It’s often humbling because we start seeing that the love was there all along, even when we were denying it, and we realize that God is the one who loves all. Jesus said, “When you’ve done it unto them the least of them, my brethren, you’ve done it unto me” [Matthew 25:40].

So the love of Christ is also that love.  The love of Christ is an anointing of God that can become more personal because it’s how the love of God translates into the human experience.  Often people find that eternally loving presence in a moment when they’re desperate, a moment where it seems nothing is working.  Often the perception is, “My life isn’t worth anything.  Take me, Lord, put me out of my misery.”   That’s often the moment when we are the most open to the mercy of God and the Lord’s amazing grace.

The conditions in this world are designed perfectly to wake you up and inspire you toward unconditional love.  That truth is the living truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and there is help from God. That help may even initially be something disturbing or painful as a way to lead us into “greener pastures”.  The help from God becomes what is beautiful and heaven sent.

If you interpret an experience as something like, “I’m a bad person.  I’m wrong.  I’m suffering because God doesn’t like me,” then you’re off. You have a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what’s going on.  If you resist your learning, it won’t work.  Judging your experience won’t work.

We often suffer because we choose to look at our life and decide it shouldn’t be the way it is.  So we feel upset.  However, there’s something about every single condition that has value including whatever pain or suffering you may experience.   In MSIA, we have a guideline to use everything for our upliftment, learning and growth.  That means loving it all.

Remember, “Out of God come all things.”  Trust God, and trust that in each experience there’s something valuable in what you need to experience, so you can learn what you need to learn to fulfill the promise of your soul.

Baruch Bashan


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