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This event is part of a series of events for DSS Year 4 Recorded Format

Doctor of Spiritual Science Year 4 Recorded Format | Advanced Ministerial Studies Part I

October 3, 2024
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This event is open to Discourse Subscribers, Ministers, Initiates

DSS Year Four is first and foremost a course in Advanced Ministerial Studies for doctoral students.  The MSIA Ministerial Handbook is the guidebook for the course.  Students choose an area of self-healing as a ministerial focus, taking care of themselves so they can help take care of others.

Students also minister to each other using Prayer Communion, the Power of Prayer, and Advanced Ministerial Services (AMS).  Students create a ministerial intervention based upon a method from their Individual Study. 

Exercises to enhance spiritual knowing and intuition are practiced each month, deepening the connection with the ministerial energies, and gaining greater proficiency with calling them forward.  

Healing is the alternative action to curing and can take place with anyone at any time by loving yourself enough to get your priorities lined up and finding out which way you’re going. And then – stick to that. As you do, the energy of who you are, that spiritual being, will come flooding through you. You’ll touch other people, and that energy can move uninhibited to others, and they can feel it. – John-Roger, DSS

Pre-requisites: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) | Active MSIA Minister and Initiate | Successful completion of MSS Program | Regular tither to MSIA.

Renew your Discourse or SAT subscription or email order@msia.org

Tuition & Registration

Regular Tuition: $150.00

Audit Tuition: $100.00

Admin Fee: $50.00 (this fee applies to everybody who registers)

Registration: Required

Registration Contact: Gaby Grigorescu, GabyG@pts.org  l 323-328-1948

Class Dates & Timing

Dates: This is a recording class. Available first Thursday of the month. Refer to the yellow exclamation mark at the top of this page for all class dates.

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