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This event is part of a series of events for DSS Year 1 Worldwide

Doctor in Spiritual Science Program (DSS) Year 1 | The Multidimensional Human Part I

January 17, 2025 - January 19, 2025
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This event is open to Discourse Subscribers, Ministers, Initiates

DSS Year One:  The Multidimensional Human Part I

In DSS Year One, students experience the foundational tools of Spiritual Science — Observation, Awareness, Measuring and Recording — and apply these in their daily lives.  An Individual Awareness Matrix (IAM) of the consciousness is created for greater understanding of the Soul’s journey.

A Light Body practice is built, month-to-month, to increase the expression and flow of Light in the physical body.  Controlled Kinesiology Testing (CKT) is introduced, including a Toolbox of resources for clearing blocks to knowing ourselves as one with God. Soul awareness is deepened and expanded as students listen to the Soul’s guidance and the spiritual assistance available to them as ministers and initiates of the Traveler.

“Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy is offering a three-year course of study to get a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. People are so joyful that this course exists, and many have tears of gratitude because it is something that they’ve always wanted. Now it is being presented where they can learn it, use it, repeat it, live it, teach it, and grow in the process.” – John-Roger, DSS

Tuition & Registration

Registration: We encourage you to pre-register two months prior to the Program begins so we may prepare a place for you. To receive the early application fees and early bird tuition, your payment must be received (not postmarked) in the PTS office on or before August 15th.

Early Bird Tuition: $275.00
Regular Tuition: $325.00
Audit Regular Tuition: $175.00
Assistant/Student Regular Tuition: $150.00

Admin Fee Non-Refundable: $50.00 (this fee applies to everybody who registers)

Pre-requisites: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) | Active MSIA Minister and Initiate | Be a regular tither to MSIA throughout the DSS Program, up to and including Graduation | Official acceptance by PTS administration.

Contact: Gaby Grigorescu for more information l 323-328-1948 l Gabyg@pts.org

This event is available Online.

Renew your Discourse or SAT subscription or email order@msia.org | Renew your ministerial credential

Class Dates & Timing

Dates: Refer to the yellow exclamation mark at the top of this page for all class dates.
Timing: Friday 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm PT, Saturday 9:00 am – 6:30 pm PT, Sunday 9:00 am – 6:30 pm PT.
*All Ending Times Are Approximate.

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