Doctorate in Spiritual Science Program (DSS) Year 5 | Advanced Ministerial Studies Part II | Month 9
In DSS Year Five, students enjoy an ongoing experience of Satsang, which John-Roger described as the “Communion of Souls.” The DSS-5 experience is blissful, gentle, and elevated. It is an immersion in the Traveler’s teachings with fellow initiates and ministers, all advanced DSS students devoted and dedicated to Soul Transcendence.
Year 5 focuses on expanding into greater freedom as students practice living love and travel this path as votaries of the Mystical Traveler. Many students describe the DSS-5 experience as “coming home” with friends who are going in the same direction, onward and upward.
Students partake in a ministerial project of their choice and design which calls to their heart, an expression of their unique ministry.
“You may come together with another human being and say, “We can walk together and share what we can share.” There may be special loves with whom you want to share on more levels in order to move into a greater union of oneness and greater spiritual love. You may become a “dynamo” as you allow the greater energy of Spirit to be transmitted down through your consciousness and out into the rest of the world to all other levels”. – John-Roger, DSS
Tuition & Registration
Registration: Required at We encourage you to pre-register two months prior to the Program begins so we may prepare a place for you. To receive the early application fees and early bird tuition, your payment must be received (not postmarked) in the PTS office on or before August 15th.
Early Bird Tuition: $275.00
Regular Tuition: $325.00
Audit Regular Tuition: $175.00
Assistant/Student Regular Tuition: $150.00
Admin Fee Non-Refundable: $50.00 (this fee applies to everybody who registers)
Pre-requisites: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SAT) | Active MSIA Minister and Initiate | Successful completion of DSS Year Four | Be a regular tither to MSIA throughout the DSS Program, up to and including Graduation | Official acceptance by PTS administration.
Translation: Spanish simultaneous.
Contact: Gaby Grigorescu for more information l 323-328-1948 l
Renew – Update your Discourse subscription, email | Renew your ministerial credential
Class Dates & Timing
Dates: Refer to the yellow exclamation mark at the top of this page for all class dates.
Timing: Saturday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm & Sunday 9:00 am – 6:30 pm*
*Approximate ending time.