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Harmonic Self: Enduring to the End

September 7, 2024 - September 8, 2024
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​​The journey of no journey into euphoric Oneness continues.

John Morton is scheduled to participate.

There will be simultaneous Spanish Translation.

Registration: Required.
We encourage you to pre-register two months prior the Program begins so we may prepare a place for you.

Prerequisites: Completion of Harmonic Self 3: Multidimensional Resonance. Current active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses or current subscription to SATs if you have completed Discourse #144. To renew Discourses or SAT Subscription call +1 (323) 737-4055 or email order@msia.org. If you know of someone who is interested in taking the class who is not on Discourses, you can let them know that the first year of Discourses is included in the first Month’s tuition for the Class.

Dates & Times:
Saturday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Month 1: January 6 & 7
Month 2: February 3 & 4
Month 3: March 2 & 3
Month 4: April 6 & 7
Month 5: May 4 & 5
Month 6: June 1 & 2
Month 7: July 6 & 7
Month 8: August 3 & 4
Month 9: September 7 & 8
Month 10: October 5 & 6
Month 11: November 2 & 3
Month 12: December 7 & 8

Tuition Via Live Stream: $250
Tuition MSS/DSS Students Online: $100
Tuition MSS/DSS Readers: $100
Registration contact: 323.328.1973| registrar@pts.org
Need Technical Support? Email MSIAlive1@gmail.com

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